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Ca~rrus,County Commissioners -~- ,January ~2, <br /> <br /> language relating to ~he admission process for the facility. <br /> <br /> I Would suggest that the Howell Center could select residents from a pool of appropriate <br /> applicants identified by the Area Me~tal Health Programs in the HSA. A bed methodology <br /> allocation for each of the eight counties should be developed. If there were no <br /> appropriate residents in the eight county HSA, Howell Center could then accept citizens <br /> from other North Carolina counties. Only if there were no appropriate North Carolina <br /> citizens could Howell accept citizens from out of state. <br /> <br /> ISSUE 4 - Building Construction and the Use of Alrea_dy Existing Community Resources <br /> and Facilities. <br /> <br /> I would strongly encourage the County CommisSioners to look at the proposed buildings <br /> to be constructed and to insure that the buildings are not duplicating already existing <br /> resources in Cabarrus and Mecklenburg Counties. <br /> <br /> Examples: <br /> Vocational Service--Rather than build a vocational program at its location, <br /> the Howell Center could purchase service from already existing Mecklenburg <br /> and Cabarrus Workshops. This would save constr~ction costs of the proposed <br /> projects as well as provide the residents of Howell Center a more normalized <br /> lifestyle.~ <br /> <br />Su~z~stion: <br />Each proposed facility in 'the complex, excluding actual sleeping and living quarters, <br />should be examined to see if an accessible appropriate community resource already <br />exists. If such a resource'exists, then any duplicative building should be discouraged. <br /> <br />ISSUE 5 - Education. <br /> <br />Currently in Cabarrus County those residents of the Piedmont Residential Development <br />Center receive their education from and in the public schools. The issue of where <br />the education for the Howell residents will take place and the ~esponsibility for <br />payment for Cabarrus residents' education needs to be examined° <br /> <br />ISSUE 6 - Future Needs. <br /> <br />It should be noted that even with the development of this new facility, all the needs <br />of the mentally retarded citizens of Cabarrus County will not be met. <br /> <br />We will still have significant waiting lists for the Cabarrus Workshop, the two small <br />groep homes and PRDC. The Howell Center should not be seen as a solution to all of <br />the needs of Cabarrus County's mentally retarded citizens. <br /> <br />RCL:shp <br /> <br /> <br />