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To pre~are a :!ass ~£ransi~_ feas~;~i]i?,', study,, the cost w~l! be ap- <br /> .,~t, be obtained oy applying Fo,- a <br /> proximanel~~ S22.~0., '~. F,andi.~ can _ . <br /> Planning and Technical Assistance G~:ant from the Xorch Carolina Depart- <br /> ment of Transportation under- Secnion !8 of the UI.~A The grant would <br /> require a ten oercenu (10=%) local match cf which one-half (%) mush De <br /> cash connribution and the other half can be in-kind costs. !t is fur- <br /> ther suggesned uhac each county, contribute half of men percent (!0%) <br /> local ma~ch, amountzng no 91.i00.90 of in-kind and cash connribunion <br /> from each of the two counties. <br /> <br /> To coordinate this study between Rowan and Cabarrus Counties in <br />is suggested than Cabarrus County be the lead app!icanc in applying <br />for fun~s on the behalf of the two counties. In the case of mult'i- <br />county studies, nhe l']ortl~ Carolina Deoartment of Transportation reuuires <br />one of the bodies no aaa~, for grants and handle the ~ook- <br />keeping for the funds received. Since Cabarrus County is in the process <br />of contracEing a nransiu o!anning study, Department of Transportat!on <br />officials suggest chat an addition of this study be in contract provis- <br />ions. <br /> <br /> The benefits of a mass transit ........ ~e=~ibil~t~,. study are._ nhan the study <br />can propose a framework desi%ned co orox~ide nhe mosc suiEab!e sysnem <br />nhat could be used by nhe ;~ubl. ic in ~he urban area, and arovide acvanced <br />information on the. cosns o~ ~!~e arooosed svscem. Once i~p!emented, the <br />system could provide a reiiabl'e ~nd'econom].ca! transoortation mode. The <br />sysnem could meet the needs of ~he elderly, handicapped, and general <br />public no provide ~ransportation co key facilities like shopping, med- <br />ical, recreation and governmental facilities <br /> <br />Dan H. Hatiey/Cabarrus County Planning Staff <br />R_ Daniel Johnson/Rowan Counny P!anni~ng Staff <br /> <br />jla <br /> <br /> <br />