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and the permanent emp!oyee, otherwise scheduled for <br /> separation, has the requisite knowledges, skills, <br /> and abilities for the ~osition in question and is <br /> agreeabl~ to reassignment. <br /> <br /> 2) Separation of non-permanent employees shall be made <br /> in the following order: <br /> <br /> a) Emergency, Intermittent and Temporary Employees <br /> <br /> For this purpose, the three categorIes will be <br /> treated as one group. <br /> <br /> b) Provisional, Probationary and Trainee Employees <br /> <br /> For this purpose, the three categories will be <br /> treated as one group. <br /> <br /> Non-permanent employees shall be given written notice of <br /> separation as soon as possible in advance of the scheduled <br /> separation. <br /> <br /> 3) Separation of permanent employees from positions in <br /> the affected classifications shall be made upon system- <br /> atlc consideration of length of service, need for the <br /> employee's service, and relative efficiency. <br /> <br /> 4) For purposes of this policy, service standinq shall be <br /> determined by the years of continuous service to the <br /> county. <br /> <br /> 5) For purposes of this policy, relative efficiency shall <br /> be determined from the review and comparison of written <br /> performance evaluation ratings on record the date the <br /> positions to be abolished. <br /> <br /> 6) As a general rule, separation of permanent employees <br /> shall' be based 'equally ~n lenqth df 'Servi~e, need for <br /> employe'e's 'service, and relative efficiency. However, <br /> no permanent employee shall be separated before the <br /> separation of any person in the affected classification <br /> who had been given prior final written notice of dis- <br /> missal for reasons of unacceptable performance of duty <br /> or personal conduct. <br /> <br />(c) Notice Requirements <br /> <br /> After the necessary separation decisions are made through <br /> application of the above criteria, the Department Head shall: <br /> <br /> 1) Give formal written notice to all permanent employees <br /> scheduled for separation. This shall include infor- <br /> mation on their priority placement status. The notice <br /> shall be given as soon as possible. <br /> <br /> The appropriate Supervisor(s) shall review with the <br /> <br /> <br />