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[~.105-3~6. Remedies against personal prnpe:-ty. ~ a) Author tv co Proceed <br />~amst peen,[mi P:?perty.: Relation 5etween Remedies agai~t Personal <br />a~[~er.t>.ant~ ~emeflms ~gamst Real Property. ~ All t~x cnlleetors shall have <br />~umor ~ to. pro?ca :}gamst n?so~al property to enforce the collection of taxes <br />i~ ~yo~ed i~ th~s secuon ~pd m G.~. 105-3~7 and !05-388 Any tax collector may. <br />-" ms;gt~ereuon, proceed nrst agtlln3[ personal propt, rtv before emi lov og t~e <br />remeoms for enforcing the lien for taxes against real'propm'tv and he shall <br />proceed first against personal property: <br /> <br /> (1) When directed to do so by the governing hod}' of the taxing unit: or <br /> {2) When requested to do so'by the taxpayer or uy a nortg gee Or other <br /> ,°ers°n ho d nga lien upon the real -~r°uertv-.. sub'eet to th~ ien tot' t xes <br /> ff ~e pemon making the request furmshes t~e tax collector with a <br /> ...... wilton s~menPdescfibing the pe~onal prepertv to be >forced- <br /> against and gMng im location. ' <br /> No sale of a tax lien or foreclosure of a tax e o rea t ropertv mav be <br /> attacked as invalid on the ground that payment of the tax ~hould ii'rye been <br /> procured from personal property. <br /> {b} Remedies after Taxes Ar~ Due. -- At any time after taxes are due and <br /> efgre.the filing of a mx foreclosure complalnt un~er G.S. 105-374 or the <br /> oe~et~ng of a3udgment for [qxes under GS 105-875, and subject to the <br /> provisions of G.S. 105-85~ gOverning tbe priority of liens, the mx collector may <br /> levy upon and sell or at,eh the following property for failnre to pay rexes: <br /> (1) Any pe~onal property owned by the taxpayer, regard ess of the time at <br /> which it was aequiredand regardless of the existence or date of creation <br /> of mortgages or other lien~ thereon. <br /> (2) Any pemonal property transferred by the taxpayer to a relative ~w cb <br /> shallmean any parent grandparent child gra ~deh Id brother sister <br /> aunt, uncle, nieee or nephew, or their spouses, of the taxpayer or his <br /> spouse). <br /> (8) Pemonal property in the hands of a receiver for the taxpayer. {It shall <br /> not be necessary for the ~x collector to app v for an ordeFof the conrt <br /> directing payment or authorizing the levv o} attachment, but he may <br /> proceed as though the property were not'in the hands of the reeeiveb. <br /> and the a~x collector's filing of a claim in a receivership proceeding shall <br /> not preetude him from proceeding to low under G.S. 105-:llif or to <br /> attach under G.S. 10~a~8.) <br /> (4) Pe~onal property of a deceased ~xpaver ir the levv or attteh nent s <br /> made before final settlement of the eitate. <br /> (5) The stock of goods or fixtures of a wholesale or retail mere t ~t ( <br /> defined in Schedule E of the Revenue Act) in the hands of a purchaser <br /> or transferee thereof, or any other personal property of the pnrehaser <br /> or transferee of such property if the [qxes on the'goofs or f xt 'es <br /> remain unpak130 days after tb~ date of the sale or tr;~nsfer, bnt in such <br /> a ease the levy or at~ehment most he made within six months of the <br /> sale or transfer. <br /> (6) Pemonal property of the taxpayer that bas Seen re mssessed I v onc <br /> having a security interest there~n so long as the m'opertv remains ]n thc <br /> hands of the pc}son who has repossessed t o"the [e~son to wh m <br /> has been transferred other thaa hv bona fkte sale !or value. <br /> {7) Personal property due the mxpayefor to become due to him within <br /> calendar year. <br /> (81 Pemonal ~roperty of a partner in satisfaction of taxes on ;artncrshi <br /> prooertv, but oulv after the tax collector: <br /> a. ties sold the taxing unit's llen for taxes against the t,artnc, rsbip <br /> property, if any; and <br /> b. Exhaustdd the ~artnersbiu's personal n'om, rtv tlu',,u.=h the ns,. <br /> levy and attach ~ e t a garnishn e~ r. :~.,d ' <br /> <br /> collect the tax due 0n the partnershi]i's, m'-imrtv. <br /> (9) Personal property trnns 'erred bx: the tax ~a~:ei' hv a ~(' tv ,t' ~ f ~rm s '=r <br /> other t nm those'ment oned n t~is su >sec:i,~:: d~ ;md ,;~l~ .- ' :~:an ~,v <br /> fide sale for value if the ievv ,~ · tt ~chm~nr i~ ma,i{, w[til::; 3i>: <br /> of the transfer. <br /> tcl Remedies Before Tsxes Are Due. -- !f betwt, cn the da:e as ,,f ' " <br />propertyistobe~isted tnt the first dayofSelte :!t, rvlt52Fis.aiyi, r ' "-::' <br /> <br /> ~ 780 <br /> <br /> <br />