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E. Acljust its bperating costs and ~er~4ce charges from time to time to provide for adequate operation and maintenance. <br /> <br />~th~ its judsdlcdon. <br /> G. Provide G~ntor ~4th such periodic reports ~ it may requi~e and permit periodic inspection of ~ts operations by a <br />representative of the Granior. <br /> H. To execute Form FmHA 400-1, "Equal Opportunity Agreement," and [o execute Form FmHA 400-4~ "Nond~* <br />~ination A~eemen~," and ~o execute any other a~eements required by Grantor which Grantee is legally authorized to <br />execute. If any such (orm h~ been executed by Grantee as a result of a loan being made to Grantee by Grantor contempo- <br />raneously with the m~ing of tMs ~ant, another form of the same type need not be executed in connection with th~ ~ant. <br /> L Upon any default under irs representations or aDeements set forth in th~ instrumedt, Gr~n(efi', ~ [1~ 6pdon ~nd <br />demand of Grantor, wilt repay to Grantor forthwith the ofi~nal principal amonnt of the ~ant stated hereinabove, ~th ~he <br />~terest at the ~ate of 5 percentum pet annum from the date of the default. Default by the Grantee will constitute <br />termination of the g~ant thereby causing cancellation of Federal ~sistance under the ~an[. The provisions of this Gran~ <br />ADeement may be enforced by Grantor, at its option and ~thout regard to pdov waivers by it of pre~ous defaults of <br />Grantee, by judicial proceedings to require specific perfomxance of the terms of tiffs Grant A~eement or by such other <br />proceedhgs in law or equky, ~ ekher Federal or State courts, as may be deemed necessa~ hy Grantor to assure compliance <br />~th the pro'inns of th~ Grant A~eement and the laws and eeDdatlons under which tiffs ~ant is made. <br /> J. Return ~mediately to Grantor, as required by the repletions of Grantor, any Fant funds actually advanced and not <br />needed by Grantee for approved purposes. <br /> K. Use the real property inctud~g land, land hnprovemen~s, structures, and appurtenances thereto, for authorized <br />purposes of the ~ant as long as needed. <br /> 1. Title to real p~oper~ shill vest in the recipient subject w the condition that the Grantee shall use the real <br /> property for the authorized purpose of the od~nal ~ant as lm~g as needed. <br /> 2. The Grantee shM[ obta~ approv~ by the.Grantor agency for the use of the real property in other projects when <br /> the Grantee determines that the property is no longer needed for tbe origbml ~ant purposes. Use in other projects shall <br /> be l~ited to those under other Feder~ grant programs or programs that have purposes consistent ~th those authorized <br /> for support by the Gr~tor. <br /> 3. When the re~ proper~y ~ no longer needed as provided in 1 ~d 2 above, the Grantee sha~ request disposition <br /> ~structions from the G~tor agency or its successor Federal agency. The Grantor agency sh~l observe the following <br /> rules in the disposition instn~ctions: <br /> (al The Grantee m~y be petmirted [o retain title after it compensates the FederM Government bt an am,Junt <br /> computed by apply~g the Federal percentage of participation in the cost of the original project to the fair market <br /> v~ue of the properW. <br /> (b) The Grantee may be directed to sell the property under guidelines provided by the Grantor agency and <br /> pay the Federal Government an amount computed by applying the Federal percentage of participation in fl~e cost of <br /> the oHgin~ project to the proceeds from sine (after deducting actual and reasonable selbng and f~x-up expenses, ff <br /> any, from the s~es proceeds). When the Grantee ~ authorized or required to sell the properS, ~roper sales <br /> procedures shall be established that provide for competition to the extent practicable and result in the highest <br /> po~slble return. <br /> (c) The G~antee may be directed to transfer title to the property to the Federal Government provided that in <br /> such cases the Grates shall be entitled to compensation compu~edby applying the Grantee's percentage of participa- <br /> tion in the cost of the progr~ or project to the current feir market value of the property. <br /> <br />Ttds Grant Agreement covers the followfng desc~bed real property (use contlnm~tion sheets ~ necessary). <br /> <br /> ~1 ~m~enta, rights-or.ay, property obta~ed In fee s~aple title or by lease tn <br /> eo~ect~on ~th thim ~ater sy~. <br /> <br /> L. Abide by the following conditions pertaining to nonexpendable personal property which is furnished by the Grantor <br />or acquired wholly or in part with grant funds. Nonexpendable personal property means tangible personM property having a <br />t~seful l~fe of mote than one year and an acqtfishlon cost of S300 or more per unit. A Gramee may use its o~vn definition of <br />nonexpendable personal property provided that such definition would at least include all tangible'personal property as <br />defined abo~'e. <br /> 1. Use of nonexpendable property. <br /> (al The Grantee shall use the property in the project for Which it was acquired as long as needed. When no <br /> longer needed for the original project, the Grantee shall use the property in connection with its other Federally <br /> sponsored activities, if any, in the following order of priority: <br /> <br /> ! <br /> <br /> <br />