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(1) Activities sponsored by the FmHA. <br /> {2) Activities sponsored by other Federal agencies. <br /> (b) During the time that nonexpendable personal property is held for use on the project for which it was <br /> acquired, the Grantee shall make it available for use on other projects if such Other use will not interfere with the <br /> work off the project for which the property was oti~nally acquired. First preference for such other use shall be given <br /> to FmHA sponsored projects. Second preference svill be given to other Federally sponsored projects. <br /> 2. Disposition of nonexpendable property. When the Grantee no longer needs the property as provided in <br /> paragraph (a) above, the property may he used for acti~,ities in accordance w~th the following stands;ds: <br /> (a) Nonexpendable property with a unit acquisition cost of less than St,000. The Grantee may use the pro ~erty <br /> for othe~ activities without reimbursement to the Federal Government or sell the property and retain the proceeds. <br /> (b) Nonexpendable personal property with a unit acquisition cost of SI,O00 or more. The Grantee may retain <br /> the ~roperty for other uses provided that compensation is made to the original Grantor agency or its successor. The <br /> amount of co~npensation shall be computed by a ~plylng the percentage of Federal participation in the cost of the <br /> otiglnal project or to the cu~ent fair market value of the property. If the Grantee has no need for the <br /> property and the property has further use value, the Grantee shall request disposition instructions flora the original <br /> Grantor agency. <br /> The Grantor agency shall determine whed~er the property can be used to meet the agency's requirements. If no <br /> requirement exists within that agency, the availability of the property shall be reported, in accordance with the gtfide- <br /> nes of the Federal Property Management Re~ladons (FPMR), to the General Services Administration by the <br /> Grantor agency to determine whether a requirement for the property exists in other Federal agencies. The Grantor <br /> agency shall issue instructions to the Grantee no late~ than 120 days after the Grantee request and the following <br /> procedures shall govern: <br /> (1) If so instructed or if disposition instructions are not issued within t20 calendar days after the Grantee's <br /> request, the Grantee shall sell the property and reimburse the Grantor ~gency an amount computed by applying <br /> to the sales proceeds the percentage of Federa~ participation in the cost of the ori~nal project or program. <br /> However, d~e Grantee shall hepernfitted to deduct and retain from tl~e Federal almre S100 or ten percent of the <br /> proceeds, whichever is greater, for the Grantee's selling and handling expenses. <br /> (2) If the Grantee is instructed to ship the property elsewhere the Grantee shall be reimbursed by the <br /> benefi'tting Federal agency with an amount which is coniputed by applying the percentage of the Grantee <br /> participation in the cost of the original grant project or program to d~e cm rent fair market value of fl~e property, <br /> plus any reasonable shipping or interim storage costs incurred. <br /> (3) If the Grantee is h~structed to othenvise dispose of the property, the Grantee shall be reimbursed by the <br /> Grantor agency for such costs incurred in its disposition. <br /> 3. The Grantee's property management standards for nonexpendable personal property shall also include: <br /> (a) Property records wliich accurately provMe for: a description of the property; manufacturer's serial number <br /> or other identification number; acquisition date and cost; source of the property; percemage (at the end of budget <br /> y-cart) of Federal mrticipation in fl~e cost of. the project for which thean~rOu~tmate, erty was. acquired', location~ , use and <br /> .... did .... f the property and the date tl .... I ...... ti ...... as reported; aisposition data including sales <br /> price or the method used to determine curretit fair market value if the Grantee reimburses the Grantor for its share. <br /> (b} A physical inventory of property shall be ~aken and the results reconciled with the property record* at lea~t <br /> once eveq' two years to verify the existence, current utilization, and continued need for the property. <br /> (c) A Control system shall be in effect to insure adequate safe.aids to prevent loss, damage, or theft of thc <br /> property. Any lbss. damage, or theft of nonexpendable property shall be investigaged and full}, documented. <br /> (d} Adequate maintenance procedures shall be implemented to keep the property in good condition. <br /> (e Proper sales procedures shall be established for unneeded property which would provide for competition to <br /> the extent practicable and result in the highest possible return. <br /> <br />All hydr~ts, p~p~ stations, pumpo, motors, etc., necessa~ to obta~ an <br />operational uatar systm as provided tn connection ~th this phase of ~prov~ents. <br /> <br /> M. Provlde Financial Management Systems which will inchxde: <br /> 1. Accurate. current, and complete dlsclosure ofthcfinancialresultsofeachg~ant. Financial reporting will be on an <br /> accrual basis. <br /> 2. P. ecords which identify adequately the source and application of funds for grant-supported activities. Those <br /> records shall contain information pertaining to grant awards and authorizations, obligations, nnobligated balances, <br /> assets, liabilities, outlays, and income. <br /> <br /> <br />