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3, Effective control over and accountability for all funds, property and other assets. Grantees shall adequately <br /> safeguard all such a~et~ and kh~ll ~ssure tha~ they a~e used solely for authorized purposes. <br /> 4. Accounting records supported by source documentation. <br /> N. Ret~n financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and al~ oliver records pertinent to the grant for <br /> period of at le~t three year~ after ~ant closing except that the record~ shall be retained beyond the three-yelr period if <br /> audit findings havemot been tesolved..Microfflm copies may be substituted in lieu of original records. The Grantor and the <br /> Comptroller General of the United States, or any of ~fi~{~ ~u[y a~d{0tized represedtatives, sball bare access to any books, <br /> doc~meilts~ papers, and records of the Grantee's government ~vhicb are pertinent to the specific grant program for tile <br /> pulpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts and transcripts. <br /> O. Pro,de infotmatlon as requested by the Grantor to determine the need for and complete any necessary En~ron- <br /> <br /> P. Pro,de an audit report prepared in sufficient detail to allow the Grantor to determine that funds have been used in <br /> compliance with the proposal, any applicable laws and re~larions and fids Agreement. <br /> Q. Agre~ to account for and to return to Grantor interest earned on grant funds pending the~t disbursement for program <br /> purposes when the Grantee is a unit of local government. States and agencies ot instrumentalit[es of states shall not beheld <br /> accountable for interest earned on grant funds pending theb disbursement. <br /> R. Not encumber, transfer or dispose of the property or any part thereof, furn~hed by the Grantor or acquired wholly <br />or in part ~th Grantor fimds without the written consen~ of ~he Grantor except ~ provided in item g above. <br /> S. T0 include in ail contracts for construction or repair a provision ~or compliance wi~h the Copeland "Ansi-Kick <br />Back" Act (18 U.S.C. 874) a~ ~upplemented in Department of Labor teguladon~ (29 CFR, Part 3). The Grantee shaft report <br />gl suspected ot reported violations ~ the Grantor. <br /> T. In donsttucdon- contracts in cxce~s, o[ $2,000 and in other contract~ in excess, o~ S~,500 which involve the employ- <br />ment of mechanic~ or laborer~, to include a provision for compliance wkh Sections 103 and lO1 o~ the Contract Work Hours <br />and Safety Standards ACt (40 U.S.C. 327-330) as supplemented by Department of Labor regulation~ (~9 CFR, Part 5~. <br /> ~. TO include in all contracts in excess of $100,000 a provision that the contractor agrees'to comply with ~1~ the <br />requ rements of Secfio ~ 114 of ~he Clean Air Act (42 ~.S.C. ~ 1 ~75C-9) and Section 308 of the Water Pollution Control Act <br />(33 U.S.C. ~1318) relating to in~pectlon, monitoring~ enzry, reports, and Bfformation, as well as all oliver <br />specified in Section 114 of ~he Clean Air Act and Section 308 of the Water Polla ~on Control Act and fill ~egulatlons and <br />~ddelines i~ed thereun&r after the a~vard of the contract. Such regulations and ~delines can be found in 40 ~FR 15,4 <br />and 40 FR 17126 dated April 16, 1975. In so doing ~he Contractor further a~ees: <br /> l. As a condition for the award of contract, to notify tbe Owner of the receipt of any communication ~rom the <br /> Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ind~catlng ~hat a facility to be utilized in the performance of the contract <br /> under conslder~tlon to be li~ted on the EPA list of Violating Fac~llties. Prompt notification is required prior to contract <br /> <br /> 2. To certify that any ~acflky to be utilized in the performance of any nonexempt contractor ~ubcontract is not <br /> listed on the EPA l~t of Violating Facilities pursuant to 40 CFR 1 $.20 as of the date of contract award. <br /> <br /> tha~ the Contractor will take such action as the Govcrnmen~ may direct a~ a means of enforcing such prov~ions. <br />As u~ed in these p~ragtaphs the te~m "facility" means any building, plan, in~tal[atlon, gt~cture, mine, ve~se[ or other floating <br /> <br />operation contains or includes mo~e tban one building, plant, installation, or structure, the entire location shall be deemed <br />to be a facillD' except where the Director, O~fice of Federal Activities, Environmental Protection Agency, degcrmlnes that <br />independent facilities are co-located in one geo~aphical area. <br /> GRANTOR AGREES THAT IT: <br /> <br /> 12.89 <br /> <br />~, accorda,,ce with t}te aceual tleeds of Grantee a~ determined b}' Grantor. <br /> B. Will assist Grantee, within available appropriations, with such technical ~sistance a~ Grant~r deems appropriate ~n <br />planning the project and. coordinntln, the plan with local official comprehensive plans, for sewer and water and w{th an~. <br />State or area plans for d~e area m wlu~c~ he pro, ecl ts located. <br /> C. At its sole discretion and at any t~e m~y We any consent, deferment, sUbotd~adon, release~ satisfaction, or <br />tcrmin~tion of any or all of Grantee's ~ant obligations, with or wkhout vfluable considetation~ upon ~el~ terms and <br />condki0n$ a~ Grantor may determine to be (1) ad,sable to futdter the purpose of the ~ant Or to protect Grantor's <br />int~res~ d~erein and (2) confistent with both the statutory pu~po~e~ of the grant and the limitations o~ tbe statutory <br />autborlty under which it i~ made. <br /> <br /> <br />