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STATE OF NORTR CAROLINA <br />COUNTY OF CABARRUS ~ ~ ~ 9 <br /> <br /> TNIS DEED, made this ; day of -- ~.~.~3 , <br /> 1983 by and between CANNON HOLDING CORPORATION, a Delaware <br />co~poration, having aa Office at Kannapolts, Cabarrus County, <br />No~th Carolina, he~etnafte~ referred to as Grantort and <br />CASARRUS COUNTY and ROWAN COUNTY, as tenants-in-common under <br />the provisions of "An Agreement Between Local Units Of <br />Government Creating a joint Park Commission to be Known as The <br />Caba~ru~-Rowan Park Commission," hereinafter referred to as <br /> <br /> That Grantor does give as an absolate donation, and <br /> <br />without any monetary consideration, has given, donated and con- <br />veyed, and by these presents does give, donate and convey unto <br />Grantees, the following described p~operty situated in China <br />Grove Township, Rowan County, North Carolina, and more Dar- <br />ticularly described as follows: <br /> <br /> Lying and being in China Grove Township, Rowan <br />Cousty, North Carolina, ad,cluing the property of the C. <br />Brown Pethel Estate, Bellevue Subdivision, Cannon Holding <br />Co~poration and Church of God and more particularly <br />described as follows: <br /> <br /> BEGINNING at an iron peg on the western right- <br /> of-way line o'f West "A" Street, said point being a <br /> corner of Church of God p~operty and running <br /> thence with the western edge of West "A" Street <br /> South 0~ 53' 09" West 737.60 feet to a point in <br /> West "A" Street; thence South 0° 52' 42" West <br /> 266.91 feet crosslnq the creek to an existing iron <br /> peg in West "A" Street, a corner of the old <br /> Bellevue Subdivision; thence with the line of <br /> Bellevue Subdivision and Cannon Boldlng <br /> Corporation South 77' 55' 06" West 1336.38 feet to <br /> a new iron peg on the eastern right-of-way line on <br /> Glenn Avenue; thence with the eastern edge of <br /> Glenn Avenue five (5) lines as follows: <br /> <br /> FIRST: North 12" 26' 18" East 797.12 feet <br /> crossing the creek to an iron peg; <br /> <br /> SECOND: With the curve whose radius is <br /> 180~56 feet, an arc distance of 187.54 feet to a <br /> new iron peg; <br /> <br /> THIRD: North 71° 56' 56" East 225.30 feet to <br /> a new iron peg; <br /> <br /> <br />