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OOUcord, North Carolina <br /> January 4,1982 <br /> <br /> To: The Cabarrus Co~mty Board of Co~mniealoners, <br /> <br /> Referencet Request to fund the salaries of two staff members to <br /> work with the Farm Home Administration, <br /> <br /> Mr Chairman and Members of the Board. my name is R.M.Faggart Jr. <br /> I am a life long resident of Onbarrus County, I ~s employed in <br /> the Hardware and Real Estate BUsineseo <br /> <br /> The purpose of my appearence before the Bo~rd today is to present <br /> a request for the approval for the funding the salaries of two <br /> staff members fie work with the local office of the Farm Home <br /> Administration. <br /> <br />Wits the ~oards pe~miesion I would lik~ to read the contents of <br /> a letter from Mr Billy Chapman, the County Supervisor for the Farm <br /> Rome Administration to Mr Charles KcOinnie the County Manager dated <br /> November 21,1981. The letter will give a good erplaination of Mr <br /> Chapman's problem, (Sk~ A~ACKED COPE OF Lk~TER). <br /> <br />The two St~ff Members now employ&d by the Farm Home Administration <br />are higaly skilled people. Their Jobs are to take applications and <br />process loans for Farms, Housing. Farm Equipsment, Emergency crop <br />loans, loans for rural water systems, and rural community develops- <br /> <br />Due to the cub back of funds by the Federal Government for nmployees <br />the two Staff Members will loose their Job as of January 15,1982. <br /> <br />The loss of the two employees will leave Mr Chapman in the position <br />of having, millions of dollars allocated to Caberru~ County to put <br />into the local economy and no help to procos~ the loans~ <br /> <br />The U,S.Oovernment has reviewed the record of each of the fifty states <br /> <br />delinquent loans, and repossesed prop_erty on h~nd. The states that <br />show an excess amount of delinquent loans and repoe~sed property ~ill <br />hays their allotment of funds for 1982 reduced or cut completely off. <br /> <br />The funds with - held from the states with a bad recnrd will be allocated <br />to the states with a good record. <br /> <br />North Carolina ranks among the top five states for low delinquent loans <br />and reposessions of property on hand. North Carolina will reoleve a <br />large amount of f~mde with- held from other states, in addition to <br />~he regular allotment for 1982. <br /> <br />The counties that can pro,ess ~he loans will recievs the funds, the <br />Counties t.hat c~n not. process the loans will loose money and it will <br /> <br /> I <br /> <br /> <br />