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m I <br /> <br />It is estimated that w~ll in s~cses of five million dollars will he <br />available to bs put into the local economy during the next twelve <br />months. If Mr Chapman has the help re%ired to process, the pape~ work. <br /> <br />The money will be put ln~o the loc~ econo~ at a time ~ken it t,~ <br />moat needed. <br /> <br />This pro.ram will e~lcy Brlckl~er~,.E!ectriclan~, Ca.enters, <br />Bh~ber~, Oradtn~ Contractors, Landscaplns Contractors,, <br />ar.d Yair, tir~ Contraotol-a, <br /> <br />?his program will supply ftmds for the purchase of lumber, land, <br />huildtnE materials, furnit~e for new homoo, appliances and create <br />additional e~loyment tn .the ~upply ~ector of the local econo~. <br /> <br />This proK~am will supply f~d~ for farm oquiptm~nt, cro~) loners , <br />p~c~se of farm land, and if n~edad emergency dlsantor crop !o~s. <br /> <br />?his pro,ram will increase th~ 0o~ty tel base by mi]lions of dolla~, <br />the addit-tona] co~ty property tfxoa cml]ec~ed will help hold tbs line <br />on tax lncrssses In the future. Evo~ property owner In the county <br />would recieve indirect benlflts from this proKr~. <br /> <br />The estimated co~t of the ~arie~ for the two Staff Memher~ wo~d he <br />$26,C0~.00 per year , tot~ amo~t. The $26,000.00 wo%~d be ret~ned <br />to the cowry many times from th~ %enlfit~ it ~o~d produce. <br /> <br />Your consideration ~d approval of this request will be a step forward <br />for the county and ~11] be appreci2ted by ali cnnceroed. <br /> <br />Thank you for ~our time. <br /> <br />R. bi.'Fa~ar t Jr. <br /> <br /> <br />