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costs, and all other costs required for operation or installation of the <br /> radio sy. stem lncluding~ but not limited go, all required radio control wire <br /> lines, leased telephone lines, and mainland, hca service on the radio system' <br /> <br />4. Take the necessary measures to obtain and maintain the appropriate licenses <br /> and authorizations from the Federal Communications Commission and submit <br /> photocopies of the executed licenses go the Council. The County shall <br /> further maintain operatidn of the system in compliance with the FCC Rules <br /> and Regulations and apply for renewal of radio licenses in a timely manner. <br /> <br />5. Take the necessary measures go provide continuing service for and maintain <br /> all communications equipmen£ procured under this agreement in satisfacnor7 <br /> working order for a minimum perlod of five years from the initial system <br /> acceptance. <br /> <br />6. Take the .necessar~j measures to provide the necessar~t manpower and personnel <br /> go operate the communications equipment and system as pare of a central <br /> medical emergency dispatch and communications center for a minimum period <br /> of five years. <br /> <br />7. If implementing a UHF communications system or procuring LrHF equipment, take <br /> the necessary measures to procure, install, and maintain the necessary <br /> equipment to function as part of the North Carolina Medical Communications <br /> Network (NC?iCN) system on a 24-hour per day %asis and maintain effective <br /> control and frequency coordination in compliance with the Federal Communica- <br /> tions Commission's Rules a~d Regulations and as necessary for nonintarfaring <br /> operation of the b'HF medical radio network. <br /> <br />8. Take the necessary measures 5o establish and maintain an effective communi- <br /> cations training program for all persons and agencies involved in the opera- <br /> tion of equipment and system. <br /> <br />IN WI~-~SS ~.~REOF, the County and the Council haye executed ~his agreement in dupli- <br />cate originals, one of which is retained by each of the parties, as of the day and <br />year first above written. <br /> <br />CEJNT~AL!NA COL~JCIL OF GOVE~Fr-~NTS COL~JTY <br /> <br /> BY BY <br /> Chai~-.nan County ~anager <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />Executive Director Clerk to the Board <br />APPRDVED AS TO FORM: .APPROVED .~ TO FOP~: <br /> <br /> Legal Cottnsal, Centralina COG County A~5orney <br /> <br /> <br />