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7. Fo~ thos~ items of equipment to be purchased or negotiated by the County, . <br /> the County agrees to abide by the provisions of North Carolina General <br /> Statute 143-129 regardzng procurement of the aforesaid equipment, and any <br /> other applicable laws governing the expenditure of State funds. <br /> <br /> 8. Title to the aforesaid equipment, upon delivery and acceptance thereof, <br /> shall be vested in the County, a.nd all warranties shall similarly become <br /> vested to the County. .~¥ agreements for sa~;icing of said equipment shall <br /> be made directly with the vendor by the County, at the county's ~oie cost <br /> mnd expense. <br /> <br /> 9. The County agrees to maintain and administer, in accordamce with sound <br /> business practice, a program for the maintenance, repair, protection, pre- <br /> sensation, control of, and accountability for the equipment so as to <br /> assure its full availability and usefulness for its intended function. <br /> Property management and disposition shall be governed by the provisions of <br /> Title 45, CFR Part 74, $ubpart 0. <br /> <br /> i0. ~ne County agrees to affix a unique identification number on each item of <br /> the aforesaid equipment that is permanently attached for inventor, purposes. <br /> Within thirty (30) days following the installation and acceptance of the <br /> equipment, the County shall submit to the Council a document verifying the <br /> identification number, location, model number, serial number (if applicable) <br /> and condition of all equipment purchased under this agreement. %he equipment <br /> location may not be changed without notifying the Council in advance of such <br /> change. <br /> <br />Ii. The County agrees to maintain accurate and complete records.oer~aining to <br /> the procurement, maintenance, and licsnsura (if applicable) of ail equip- <br /> ment purchased under this agreement, and to make these records avaiiabie <br /> upon request for review by representatives of ~he Council or of the N.C. <br /> Department of Human Resources during normai business hours. <br /> <br />12. The County agrees to submit to the Council in writing quarterly performance <br /> reports within ~o (2) days of the end of each fiscal quarter. These rs- <br /> ports shall be on a form specified by the Council ~nd shall detail progress <br /> to date regarding procurement of the aforssaid equipment. <br /> <br />!3. The County agrees that no person shai! be excluded frdm participation <br /> be denied the benefits of, or o~he~ise be subjected to discrimination on <br /> the grounds of race, color, sex, creed, national origin, and any handi- <br /> capped condition. <br /> <br />'SPEC!.4L PROVISIONS ~GARDD~G COb~f01~!CATIONS EQU!P!~=NT PROCURED U~ER ~H!S AGRE~N <br />~ne County agrees to: <br /> <br /> !. Assure that all communication equipment purchased with funds granted here- <br /> under shall be in accordance ,~ith the specifications and guidelines developed <br /> by the Department of Human Resources. <br /> <br />2. Take the necessa~/ measures ~o ensure the communications equipment is ope~a- <br /> ted as part of a central medical dispatch and emergency medical communications <br /> system. <br /> <br />3. Take the necessary measures to arrange for all radio installation sites and <br /> ensure that agreements exist for all electrical power, site rental or lease <br /> <br /> <br />