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Secti°n 503 Debentures <br /> <br />Terms and ConditiOns Collateral <br /> <br />The following terms and conditions are applicable to All debentures guaranteed under this program shall be <br />Section 503 debentures: secured to the extent SBA determines as reasonable to <br /> ensure repayment. SBA shall require that the certified <br />Purpose--The proceeds of a Section 503 debenture shall development company's required 109o injection be sub- <br />be used to assist an identifiable small business concern to ordinated to the loan made from the proceeds of the 503 <br />finance plant constractinn, conversion or expansion, in- debenture. Usually collateral on 503 development com- <br />cluding the acquisition of land, existing buildings and pony projects include a mortgage on the land and the <br />leasehold improvements· Plant construction includes the building being financed, liens on machinery, equipment <br />acquisition and installation of machinery and equipment, and ~xtures. lease assignments, and personal guarantees <br />Each loan made from the debenture proceeds must be whore appropriate. <br />approved by SBA. <br /> How 503 Debentures Are Funded <br />Maximum amount--The SBA-guaranteed debenture may <br />not exceed $500,000. The debenture may not comprise Federal Financing Bank <br />more than 50% of the project's total cost. <br /> SBA will provide guaranteed funding to certified devel~ <br />Rate of Interest opment companies by selling 100% SBA-guaranteed 503 <br /> debentures to the Federal Financing Bank (FFB). SBA <br />The interest rate on Section 503 debentures shall not be will act as the agent for certified development companies <br />less than a rate determined from time to time by the for the purpose of such sales. The FFB is an instrumen- <br />Secretary of the Treasury tak/ng into consideration the tality of the Federal Government pursuant to the Federal <br />current average market yield on outstanding marke!able · Financing Bank Act of 1973 [FFB ActJ. <br />U.S. obligations with comparable maturities. Such rates <br />can be obtained from your local SBA office. The interest rate on the debenture will be determined by <br /> the FFB at the time of each sale based on the cost of like <br />Term term funds to the FFB. The 503 debentures will be pur- <br /> chased by the FFB once each month. <br />The maturity on a Section 503 debenture shall not exceed <br />25 years. The term wilt depend upon the economic life of Eligibility <br />Ihe asset being financed. <br /> <br />Contract Terms Eligible Small Business Concerns <br /> <br /> A small business must meet the following guidelines: <br />The contract between the certified development company <br />and ~he small business concern in each project shall Set <br />forth terms acceptable to the small business concern and Type of organization--It must be a for-proffi corporation, <br />SBA, not to exceed the sum of the following: partnership, or proprietorship. <br /> <br />-repayment with interest on the Section 503 debenture Size standards--The net worth of a business may not be <br />and the first mortgage non-federal financing in the in excess of $6 million, and its net profit after taxes must <br />project, have averaged less than S2 million during the previous <br /> two years. For a manufacturing company, the business <br />-taxes and insurance on the Plant must have no more than a prescribed number of employ- <br /> ees based on SBA size standard regulations. Either stand- <br />-sen,icing costs of the debenture which normally may not ard may be used. <br />exceed one-half of One percent per annum on the out- <br />standing balance of the debenture. <br /> <br />-a processin8 tee to cover administrative costs o[ the <br />loan, which may not exceed 1.5% of the amount of the <br />debenture. <br /> <br /> <br />