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Required Information in a Section 503 Loan Application <br />for a Sm~l Business Concern <br /> t <br /> <br />Application Information Required from A balance sheet and profit and loss statement for the pre- <br />The Certified Development Company vious three years <br /> <br />All exhibits must he signed and dated A current balance sheet and a current operating state~ <br /> meat [net over 60 days old} <br />A copy of existing or proposed lease or purchase agree- <br />ment 'or olher financing arrangements A pro forma balance sheet and projected operating state- <br /> ment for two years <br />A brief statement concerning the purpose of the loan and <br />its potential impact on the community A monthly cash flosv for the first 12 manlhs of operation <br /> or three moo~hs beyond the break-even point <br />An outside appraisal report <br /> The names of affiliates and/or subsidiary firms <br />Preliminary plans and specifications and estimates of <br />cost covering new construction and/or machines and Resumes of the principals <br />equipment <br /> A list which contains the ori~nal date and amount. <br />The bank's letter stating the terms and conditions of its present balance owed. interest rate. monthly payment, <br />participation, and the reason it will not finance the entire maturity and security for each loan or debt that your <br /> business currently has. indicating whether the loan is <br />project current or delinquent <br />Identify the certified development company's source of <br />funds for its injection into the businesses. (For example, If your business is a franchise, include a copy of the <br />by sale of stock or debentures, cash on hand, land invest- franchise agreement <br />meat. etc.} If the funds are borrowed, identity the name <br />and address of the lender, and the interest rate and term Current personal financial statement for each proprietor, <br />for the funds partner, officer and each stockholder with 20 percent or <br /> more ownership of the business--{Form 413) <br />A list of collateral to be offered as security for the <br />debenture Resolution [rom the Soard of Directors, if a corporation, <br /> authorizing the small business concern to borrow. <br />Resolution from the Soard of Directors authorizing the <br />certified development company to borrow with Form It should be noted that the small business concern re- <br />1247 attached ceiving assistance may be required to submit periodic <br /> financial statements to SBA. <br />Application Information Required <br />From the Small Business Concern <br /> <br />All Exhibits must be signed and dated <br /> <br />A history, and description of the business <br /> <br />A statement detailing the exact uses of the loan proceeds <br /> <br />A statement of the anticipated benefits from the proposed <br />financing <br /> <br />SBA Form 912 (Personal History Statement) on all officers <br />and/or directors and owners of 20% or more of the SBC <br />affiliated stock. <br /> <br /> <br />