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that in'the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is <br /> threatened with, [iLigation with a subco~tractor or vei~dor <br /> as a result of such direction by the contracting ~geuc~ <br /> the contractor may request tile State to enter into such <br /> litigation co protect the interest of the State." <br /> <br /> 6. The Applicant shall (1) comply with the above provisions in <br />construction work carried ou~ by itself, (2) assist and cooperate actively <br />with }{CRS and the Secretary of Labor in obtnioing the compliance of <br />contractors and subcontractors with the above contract provisions and <br />with the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of [,abor <br />or the HCRS pursuant co Part II, Subpart D, of Executive Order No] 11246 <br />of September, 1965, and, (6) cefrain from entering [nCo any contract with <br />a contractor debarred from Government contracts under Part l] Subp0rc <br />of Executive Order ~o. 11246 of September 24, 1965. <br /> <br /> O. The Applica~C agrees to secure completlon of the work in <br />accordance with the approved constructiou plans and specificatiofi, and <br />shall secure compliat~ce wi[Ii all applicable Federal, State, and Ioca] laws <br />and regulatloos. <br /> <br /> E. The Applicant agrees to permit periodSc site visits by the-State <br />aud the Director ~o insure work progress in accordance with the approved <br />project, inclnding a f(na] inspection upon project completion. <br /> <br /> F. In the event funds should hOC be available for fut,~re scages of <br />the pro3ect, the applicant agrees co bring the project co a point of <br />usefulness agreed upon by the State and Cbc Director. <br /> <br /> G Ail siguificant deviatious from the project proposal shall be <br />submitted co tbe State and the Director for prior approval. <br /> <br /> 1t. Development plans and specifications shall he available for <br />review by the State and the 01rector upon request. <br /> <br /> [. The acqnisiCion cost or fair market valne of real property <br />iucludiug interest in donated lauds sbal[ be based upon the appraisal of <br />compcteut appraiser. The appraisal t-eporcs shall be reviewed and <br />by the State and tlCRS. <br /> <br /> J. If any tract or parcel of, or interest iu, real. property subject <br />to being purchased under the provisions of this agreement, but uot <br />identified herein, is fonnd by the State and the Director for any.reason <br />not to be suitable for Federal assistance~ all obligations of the State <br />and the United States here~der shall cease as to sucb parcel, tl-acL~ or <br />interest. <br /> <br /> K. ~o~ect Administration <br /> <br /> 1. The Applicant sball promptly submit such reports as the <br />ScaLe and the Director may request. <br /> <br /> Page 5 of 11 <br /> <br /> <br />