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I <br /> <br /> .~ !~.TICLE ~, <br /> <br /> Collectioo ;u~.d Foreclost.,re of Ta.v~.,$. <br /> <br /> § 105-849. Appointment, term. qnalifications, and bond of tax collectors <br /> and deputies, ~ (al Ap mintmenc and Term. ~ The governh~g body of each <br /> county sad muaieipality shall ap ~oint a tax eolleetoc on m' before dnlv 1, 197l <br /> to serve for u term to be determined by the appointiog body antI'nnfil his <br /> successor has been au Joioted and qmdifi~d. Until the first suck, aouointmen;s <br /> are made, couotv and mtmicipal taxes shall be collected by the t:{~ <br /> presently servin~ under prior provisions o~ law. The govertmig body mav remove <br /> the ~ax collector from office during his term ~or good cause af[br gi~'ing him <br /> no6ce ia writin~ a~td an oppornmi~y to appear and be heard at a lmblie seas]oil <br /> of the governing body. No hearing shall be required, however, if the ~x collector <br /> is removed for failin~ to meet the n'erequisims prescribed by G.S. 105-3521b) for <br /> de very of t m mx rece pt~. Unless otherwise provide~l by G.S. I05-373, <br /> whenecer anv v'tca cvoecursintl soffce t e~ovc'lil~bo ~'s I aD ont <br /> quahfied mrson to serve as tax colleetoc lot the oeriod of the unexpired term. <br /> (b) Qualf cations. ~ rhe governing boty stuill appoint i~s tax collecto~ a <br /> person of character sod integrity whose exper/once h~ bus/ness and collecrioa <br /> work is satisfactory to the governing body. <br /> {¢) Bond. -- No tax collector shall ~e allowed to begin hi~ duties until he shall <br /> have furnished bond conditioned upon his hooesty and fakhful perfm'maoce in <br /> <br /> {d) Compensation. ~ The eom >ensation and expenso allowances of the ~x <br /> collector shall be fixed by the governing body. <br />: (e) Alternative to Separate Office of Tax Collector. ~ Pursuant to Artiel~ VI, <br /> See. 9, of the North Carolina Constitution, the office of mx collector is hereby <br /> declared to be an office that may [e held concm-rentlv with any ap Jointive or <br /> elective office other than those h~reinafter designated; and the ~overning body <br /> may appoint as tax eo actor ~ y appo ntive or e eot ye off cer Who meets <br /> personal and bonding requirements established by this section. A member of the <br /> governing body of a taxinu unit mac not be anpointed tax collector nor may the <br /> t utica of [l~e office bu cm~'~erred npbo him. A'person appointed or eleemd a~ the <br /> treasurer or chief accounting officer of a utxing unit may not be a ) )ointed nix <br /> collector, nor may tl~e duties })f the off/ce of ~tx collector }~c conferred upon him <br /> except with the Written permission of ti~e secretary of the Local Government <br /> Commissioa who. befoce giving his permission, shh]l satisfy himself that the <br /> unit's internal contro procedures are snff cent to p 'eve it n ]~rogev u; t g of <br /> public feeds. <br /> IB Deputy Tax Collectors. ~ The ~overoing body of a comlkv or intlllie[ ~aliw <br /> is autborize~l to aimoint one or moru'deuu[v t;~x col)ectors sad [o establish their <br /> terms of off/ce, co~{Ipensation, trod bond)ng're{ oiremco;s, A de mty tax collector;~ <br /> shall have authority to perform, uadcr d~e direction of the tax collector, any actc <br /> th;at dm tax co~k.ctor slav ~er~Jrm u~] the governing both' aupointin~ ~} <br /> deputy specifically limits'the scooe of the dem~[v's authority.' ' <br /> Ig) 'Oath. ~ Ek'erv tax toilet}or and deodar;" tax collector shall take and <br /> sub~cribe the oath s& OUt below and file it wld~ ibc ~lerk of the governin~ body <br /> of ti~e tuxing onit: <br /> 1 ............ do solemnly swear lot affirn0 that I w/Il support aod maintain <br /> the Coastitution and laws o~ 01e Uoited States, ami the Constitution and taws <br /> of Xor~h Carolina not inco~sistem fl~erewkh, ami tha~ ~ will faithfully discharge <br /> dm duties of my office as (deputv) mx collector of d~e County (Ci~', Town, or <br /> other a~ ~ro ~ri~e unit o~ loe~l gdvernmenO of ............ ~ Nor[ ~ <br /> and t m~ w oot a ow my actions its tax co ector to be iofJuenceqby personal <br /> or political friemlships or ~bliKafions, so help me God. <br /> <br /> (Signature) <br /> (1939. c. :~iIL ss. 1701. 1702: !957. c. :5:37: }971, c. $06, s..!.) <br /> <br /> I <br /> <br /> <br />