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NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF FOREST RESOURCES <br /> RF2ORT TO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> FIRST QUARTER - JULY - AUGUST - SEPTEqBER <br /> 1981 - 82 <br /> <br />FOREST RESOURCES <br /> <br />Csbarrus County contains approximately 98,000 acres of com~,ercial forest land. <br />This acreage represents ~.~eut 40 percent of the total land area. .County and <br />municipal areas include about 374 acres; fa~-mars 40~605; individuals 56,198; <br />and the State (Reed Gold Mine) 823 acres. The North Carolina Division of Forest <br />Resources is responsible for the protection and management of all forest land, <br />with the exception of city and municipal land. <br /> <br />PERSONNEL <br /> <br />Two Rangers are employed in Cabarrus County. Assistant County Ranger Scott <br />Franzak was hired on January 12, 1981 ~r this position. ~e Service Forester <br />and one Field Forester ~'e available from the District Office for forest <br />management work. This includes examination of woodland, timber marking, and <br />surveying. We have Crew Leader Wardens in the county to assist with fire <br />suppression if needed. These men are used when the Rangers need assistance, <br />and also when more than two fires are going at one time. These men are paid <br />o~ an hourly basis by the state. <br /> <br />TRAINING <br /> <br />Cabarrus Co~ty Rangers depend on volunteer fire departments during fire <br />emergencies. There are 18 departments in the county~ including K~unapolis <br />departments. The Ranger visits each department once a year to determine the <br />seed for training in fighting woods fires. <br /> <br />If needed, the Ranger supplies these departments ~lth hand fire fighting tools. <br />Each departmen% has these~ with the exception of Winecoff, and they have not <br />requested any. The Department of Forest Resources lom~ed Harrisburg VFD a <br />brush truck last year. This truck was badly needed in this district for woods <br />fires. <br /> <br />The Rangers attend Cabarets Firemen's Associatibn meetings, Gabarrus Chief's <br />meetings, and Department meetings. The Rangers are aisc responsible for training <br />Crew Leader Wardens and keeps them informed about forest fire danger. <br /> <br />FACILITIES AND ~UIPMENT <br /> <br />The County Ranger has an office in the basement of the Co~mty Building at <br />745 Cabarrus Avenue West. The office is equipped with both ebunty and state <br />radio systems and he is in communication with the County Fire Dispatcher at <br />the Sheriff's Department, the Fire Marshal, and all volunteer fire departments <br />in the county. <br /> <br /> <br />