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Page 2 <br /> <br /> FACILITIES A~D E~UIPMENT - Continued <br /> <br />There ~re two N. C. Division of Forest Resources trucks in the county and they <br />are equipped with county and state radios, and the R~_ngers stay in communication <br />with all county departments and the District Office in Mount Holly. The trucks <br />are equipped ~¢ith water tanks, pumps, and motors £or Fire suppression. Hand <br />fire fighting tools are 'also available on each truck. Tools For forest manage- <br />merit work are also carried. The Rangers aisc have county and state radios in <br />their homes And portable radios are available when working in ~he.field. <br /> <br />PRO~P~4S <br /> <br />Forest Mana~ ement <br /> <br />Received 25 forest management requests and have serviced 16 this quarter. This <br />consists of forest management plans to be made~ requests for site preparation <br />for planting, planting tree seedlings, pulpwood said sat~cimbar marking, thinning <br />pine st~u]ds, and h~vesting timber. There were 308 acres involved. <br /> <br />Oae hun~,ed forty-two acres were marked or designated for pulpwnod thinning eatd <br />harvesting for sawtimbar. Fifty-five acres were thinned, with approximately ~31 <br />cords cut and sold for pulpwood. This brought about $12,909 to lando~ars from <br />the sale oF pulpwood. <br /> <br />One hundred sixty-seven acres ware harvested ~ch cut 960,000 board Feet of <br />sawbimber, bringing about $59,500 to landowners from the sale of timber, Along <br />with sawtimber, 125 cords of pulpwood were cut, bringing about $4,975. Approxi- <br />mately 75 cords were cut for fire wood, which brought about $300 to landowners. <br />Total returns to landowners amounted to $77,38/,. <br /> <br />Fire Woo~ <br /> <br />We have assisted 2? ei-tize~s in the county to get fire wood for the coming ~rinter. <br />We have a list of people who need our assistance to get wood for heating their <br />homes. There are areas where these people can get fire wood at a low cost. <br /> <br />Forest Insects m~d Diseases <br /> <br />Some activs.spots of Southern Pine Beetle s-re still being reporged but no large <br />areas of infestation have been reported. Cabarrus County was lucky this past <br />spring and summer. Many inactive spots still remain and some are still being <br />salvaged at this time. This quarter~ we have salvaged 13 spots, which cut 231 <br />cords for 'pulpwood. This brought about $%00~ to landowners. We have had one <br />report of the Redheaded Pine Sawfly in the county. This was taken care of and <br />no other reports have come to my office. (~ly five trees were damaged by this <br />insect. <br /> <br />Information and Education <br /> <br />Articles were placed in the Tribune and Independent concerning fire control and <br />the avsilability of fire wood. A d%,sp~ay of forest management was placed in the <br />County Building. We assisted Mr. Hugh Price~ District Conservationist~ with a <br />school progrm~. <br /> <br /> <br />