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CABAR1RUS COUNTY <br /> Post Office Box 707 <br /> CONCORD. NORTH CAROLINA 280'25 <br /> <br /> ~HORA~DUH <br /> TO: Charles D. blcGinnis/County Manager <br /> <br /> FROM: W.S. Chandler, Jr./Director of Planning ~ <br /> SUBJECT: Sidestown-Shankleto~m C. D. Engineering Contract <br /> DATE: October 13, 1981 <br /> <br /> Attached is the original Contract betWeen the Boa~&of Count% <br /> commissioneCs; of Cabarrus county Rnd C0ne0r&E6gi~eer'inga6d~ <br /> ~rveyin~iiTInc!f John Boger has reviewed this document and <br /> has ~ade the changes to insure its compatibility with the <br /> applicable local, state and federal guidelines. Concord En- <br /> gineering and Surveying, Inc. spokesman, Gary Simmons, has <br /> also reviewed and is in agreement with the terms of the eon- <br /> tract. <br /> <br /> TheCounty. Commissi6n~Cs 6aedlt0 anth0~ize eheCOnneyto, en~e~? <br /> in~° this ~6~e~A~With c°nd0rd Engineering and SUrveYing, in~. <br />The contract can~dt be signed and dated until HUD issues a Letter <br />of Credit, usually issued within ten (10) days of their receipt <br />of the properly executed Grant Agreement, Designation of Depository <br />and Authorization of Signatures forms, - hand delivered to HUD in <br />September 25, 1981. <br /> <br />This Engineering firm was chosen by the following method. Notices <br />of Request for Engineering Proposals were advertised in the Concord <br />Tribune and Charlotte Observer. Those firms responding to the ads <br />were sent the Request for Proposal packet which included: a) Problem <br />Statement; b) Scope of Work;-c) Project Schedule; d) Contract Type; <br />e) Proposal Contents; f) Factors for' Award/Evaluation Criteria; <br />g) Loc~tion Map, Eight firms expressed ifiter~St~and'th~e sUBm'itted <br />pr°PoSals~ These ~proP0~ais XSere e~alu~d Using the 6riteria o~t~" <br />lin%d in lhe Request for Proposal and Concord Engineering and Sur- <br />veying, Inc. graded out in first place. <br /> <br />Preliminary conferences were conducted with Concord Engineering, <br />the complete project was reviewed in detail and a tenative schedule <br />was set based upon a targeted October 1, 1981 funding date. The <br />engineers agreed to do some work prior to the execution of the con- <br />tract. This was necessary because actual construction of the sewer <br /> <br /> <br />