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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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TE×TA~[VE GUIDELINES FOR STATE GK:~NTS <br /> FOR 911 SYSTEMS !FiPLEHENTAT tON <br /> <br /> There xs a possibility thac some limitedAfunds ma)' become available co <br />assist county governments co implement the 911 Emergency Xltmber concepc. <br /> <br /> Should funds become available, granns wil] be awarded on a first-come, <br />first served basis; will require 50% matching funds; and will have a defi- <br />nite time limit for expenditure of she grant amounn (probably 12 months). <br /> <br /> Interested count)' governments ma>' request funds for tile installation, <br />purchase and/or lease of equipment, to include items such as multichannel <br />tape recorders; instant playback recorders on a basis of one per answering <br />position in a centralized emergency message handling center; telephone <br />answering equipment soch as call directors, cordless PBX, or other equip- <br />menn; installatioa and lease of dedicated 911 telephone lines; consoles or <br />consolettes for consolidating separate local radio control stations, moni- <br />nor receivers, and other functions; control modules for law enforcement <br />functions and other items of equipment necessary for a county-wide pro- <br />cessing center, that may also include a dispatching function, and that <br />are primarily related to the law enforcement function. (This would include <br />items such as a status board, map, moniEor receivers or scanners for other <br />police frequencies and the State Highway Patrol, etc.). <br /> <br /> I~here items and telephone lines are leased, the grant may fund one <br />year's lease %~%ere items are purchased, the grant may fund one year's <br />maintenance. (Both of these items must be paid from local matching funds, <br />because of the limited period for expenditure of grant amounts.) <br />telephone companies cannot provide 911 service, but can provide a single <br />seven-digit nmnber for all emergency services, applications for grants <br />will be accepted to establish an interim system that will be planned for <br />conversion to 911 as soon as the telephone companies are able to do so. <br /> <br /> Eligible grantees: Those counties that have developed plans for <br />improved citizens' access to emergency services through the use of 911 <br />are eligible. Those counties whose telephone companies cannot provide <br />911, but who intend to use a single seven-digit emergency number as an <br />interim measure until 911 can be provided, will also be considered eli- <br />gible grantees. The 9!1 plans must include provisions for location of the <br />public safety answering point, management and operation of the 911 center <br />and cost estima'nes on long term financing of the center. <br /> <br /> Plans for 911 Systems: <br /> <br /> 1. As a minimum, the requesting county must provide the following <br />information in their grant application: <br /> <br /> a. Names of the members of the Count>' 911 Planning Committee <br /> and date 911 telephone service is proposed to be implemented. <br /> <br /> <br />
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