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among Federa!, State, areawide ~,nd local covernmen~s :~.~:::::.'- <br />within a given area in an ~ttempt to eliminate duplication ~:::::::::: <br />and 9rovide g~eater coherence among programs. OMB Circular <br />No. k_95 sets forth procedures for Federal ac~encies and <br />a~Z~canks ~or ~odera[ assistance ~o determine [he <br />o}" their proposais to exist~n~ 8~ate and local ~Zans and ........... <br />~he clearinghouses review and evaluate proposed pro~ec~s <br /> to determine their impact on area or co,unity development <br />and other factors o~ concern to States and localities. <br />The clearinghouses also serve as liaison between the · ~3~::::::::: .......... <br />applicants and State or local agencies. All corette .~ ~%:... <br />and advisory reco~endations made by the clearinghouse <br />become part of the applicant's completed proposal when . ~[~jj3[:[~'~. <br />it is submitted to a Federal or State agency for funding. <br />OMB Circular No. A-95 promulgates regulations in accordance <br /> with Section 204 of the Demonstration Cities and ~etropolitan <br /> Development Act of 1966, which stipulates that: :~%-2{::~'-, <br /> <br /> "all applications made a~ter June 30, 1961 for <br /> Federal loans or ~rants ~o assist in carrying .......... <br /> ou5 o~en-space land projects or for the planning :v:::::::: <br /> or construction of hospitals, airports, libraries, <br /> water supply and distribution facili%ies, sewerage ~.~. <br /> ~acilities and waste treatment works, highways, <br /> transportation facilities, l~w enforcement ~.::...~:~;v. <br /> "' facilities, and water development and land ............ <br /> conservation projects within any metropolitan <br /> area shall be submitted for review to any areawide <br /> agency which is designated to per~orm metropolitan .. :v..:::::::::~ <br /> o~ regional planning for the area within which the <br /> assistance is used." ~.' <br /> <br /> Section 204 authorizes OMB to designate metropolitan <br /> areawide clearinghouses to perform this review function. <br /> In practice, OMB designates these clearinghouses on the :li~}3[-[-}}..m~ ....... <br /> reco~endation of the State and local governments involved. <br /> With the ~ossible exception of some New England areas, <br /> the metropolitan area encompassed by each clearinghouse <br /> designated by OMB corresponds ~o one complete SMSA or ~. :~:..~::~ <br /> a multiple of SMSA's. ~n addition to metropolitan clearinghouses, ' <br /> State clearinghouses are designated by Governors and ~:. <br /> are usually State comprehensive planning a~encies. Governors .. <br /> may also designate nonmetropolitan areawide clearinghouses , ~-~:~.~3~'~:~ <br /> and most have done so. Eighty-five percent of the area <br /> of the contiguous 48 States and 95 percent of the population <br /> is served by a metropolitan or nonmetropolitan areawide <br /> c!ear inghouse. <br /> <br /> ~:.~:::::::::.;~: <br /> <br /> <br />