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DePartment ~f TransPortation <br /> <br /> The Federal Aviation Administration conducts analytical <br /> activities, such as aviation forecasts and policy analysis, <br /> which ~ely on socioeconomic data reported for SMS~'s. <br /> Changes in SMSA boundaries have an impact on these functions. <br /> <br /> Air~ort and Airway Deve!o~ment ACT of !970 <br /> (P.L. 9zt2~'d).' 'T~l~ Acc s~tpu±a~es ~nac rne S~cre~ary <br /> or ?ranspor=ation may determine that a me~ropo!itan area <br /> composed of more than one unit of State or local government <br /> needs an additional airport and may request the governing <br /> authorities to agree on a site for the airport and to <br /> notify the Secretary of their selection. "Metropolitan <br /> area" is defined as an ~MSA, subject to such modification <br /> as the Secretary'determines to be appropriate. <br /> <br /> The Act also provides that in ~he case of a proposed new' <br /> airport outside a metropolitan area, the Secretary shall <br /> not approve Federal financial aid for the airport develop- <br /> ment project unless the proposed airport site is approved <br /> bv the community or communities in which the airport is <br /> p~oposed to be located. Thus, location within or outside <br /> a metropolitan area (or SMSA) could affect the procedure <br /> for a new. airport site selection. <br /> <br /> Title 23 U.S. Code (~i~hways).. Funds for highway <br /> improvements are appor=~oneo to States partly on the basis <br />'of thDir population. Some of the programs in Title 23 use <br /> urbanized area population~ to determine the size of alloca- <br /> tions. (See the section on Bureau of the Census for <br /> discussion of the relation of SMSA's to urbanized areas.) <br /> <br /> Urban Mass Transmortation Act of i964; as amended, <br /> (49 U~S.C. 1601, e~ seq.;. Tn~s Ac~ authorizes ~ne <br /> Transportation Secretary to grant money through the Urban <br /> -Mass Transportation AdminiStration {~4TA) to locaI govern- <br /> ments or transit authorities in urbanized areas or parts of <br /> urbanized areas for transit capital end operating assist- <br /> ance.4/An urbanized area is generally within an SMSA. <br /> Changes in SMSA definitions could affect the number o~'' <br /> urbanized areas, but wou!~ not affect the areal extent <br /> of an individual urbanized area. <br /> <br /> Tne ACE was further amenced in October 1978, to <br /> authorize the Transportation Secretary to apportion <br /> money through the Urban Mass Transportation Adminis- <br /> tration to each State on the basis of the ratio of that <br /> State's nonurbanized population to the total national <br /> nonurbanized population. ..~ <br /> <br /> <br />