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Page 2 <br /> <br /> Seventh Street Center in Charlotte made a study of admissions from au- three <br /> counties during tile year 1976. Tile stady revealed ti]at 332 alcoholics from our <br /> Area were admitted to that facility during the twelve mouth period with an <br /> average monthly admission rate Of 28. <br /> <br /> 2. During tile year 1977, there were 2.385 arrests for driving uuder~the- <br /> inf]ueuce in the three counties served by the Area Program. An additional <br /> ].554 were arrested for public intoxication during the sa,le period, making a <br /> total of 3,939 alcohol-related arrests for 1977. (See attaciled page for hreak- <br /> dowll by counties). <br /> <br /> 3. ~,/ithin the three counties of Caharrus, Stanty~ and Union. there are an <br /> estimated 11,700 heavy escape drinkers. At least half of this re,tuber, or 5,850, <br /> are alcoholics, and according [o the !Jorth Carol iua Division of ~'lental Health, <br /> at least 613 of this number are chrouic alcoholics. (See display page). <br /> <br /> 4. From tire above and other inclicators, we estimate tile annual namber of <br /> de,axil]carious needed within tile Area, and appropriate for the social detox <br /> setting~ would range from a minimum of 1,200 to as many as 2,000. f <br /> 207, of the aumber of estimated alcoholics in tile Area would need one ,.leto×- <br /> if]cation admission in a year, this would mean 1,170 admissious. ~le are <br /> estir, lating that as many as 58~.~ admissions will he made by the social detox <br /> faci ity tile first Year (See display page). <br /> <br /> ~le are hoping Lo be ahle to gel: commitmellts from patients admitted to <br /> remain in ti~e facility for ~ minhnum of five days. This would allow ample time <br /> for the withdrawal from alcohol and ,also, provide adequate time for some <br /> education and motivational couuseling to encourage the client to accep~ further <br /> treetment for overcoming their alcoholic behavior <br /> <br />Ill .Goals For The Social Detox Progra!~ <br /> <br /> 1. To ~lal;e detoxification services more accessible and available to the alcoholic <br /> population within tile three counties served by tile Area Program <br /> <br /> 2. To provide detoxification services a~ the lowest possible cost ~o the clients <br /> and tile taxpayers. Tile cost for social detox normally is about one third tile <br /> cost of providing detoxification ill a hospital setting. <br /> <br /> 3. To involve tile alcoholics' family and other cor~,~unity care-givers more <br /> intensely in the treatment and rehabilitation process by ptoviding detoxificatJon <br /> locally. Oar experience has beea that when alcoholics are referred to facilities <br /> outside tile Area, we frequently lose conEact with them and their families until <br /> ~he rlexL episode occurs when deLoxification is again needed. <br /> <br /> 4. To provide motivational counseling aad educa~ia~ Lo all those admitted to <br /> insure their continuing in treatment and counseling services. Serio~ls efforts <br /> will be made to maximize tile beuefits of tile detoxification service by referring <br /> ,al I cl lents to on,patient counseling, Alcoholics Anony~Llous, and other needed <br /> services. Family members will, also, be couaseled and referred to Alcoholics <br /> <br /> 5. To assis~ law eaforceiaent personnel and the Coarcs in implementing House <br /> - 3ill 802 The social detox facility can save valuable personnel time and other <br /> <br /> 13 <br /> <br /> <br />