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Page 3 <br /> .. <br /> <br /> costs involved in arrests, jailir~js, and court proceedings, and, at the same <br /> time, ~)rovide an ine:~pensJve ant! effective method of alcobo] witi~¢lrawal that <br /> allows the opportunity to direct the alcohoJlc into treatment. <br /> <br />IV. The ~oncept and Progrdm of t:on-itospi~al Detoxification <br /> <br /> I. The concept of the non-hospital ~del fo~ detoxification is that of providing <br /> a non-threatening, co~fortable and relaxed setting for the individual in withdrawal <br /> from alcoho ¥~ithout the aid Of medications. The comfortable surroundings reduce <br /> the likelihoo~ of need for medical care The experiments with social ~etox in <br /> ~anada in the 60's revealed that alcoholics normally hospitalized could be with- <br /> drBw~ from alcohol safely and without medical attention. After screening out those <br /> who 0bviousiy needed medical care. sucb as for in~'uries, heart condition, D.T.'s, <br /> or coma, only about 5% of those referred to the social ~etox program n~eded any <br /> kind of medical attention. Of the 5% needing medical care, only half of these <br /> needed to be hospitalized. Similar programs in California and ilorth Carolina have <br /> had tile same experiences. <br /> <br /> 2. ~oth m01e and Female ~vill be admitted to ~he social detox program. Admissions <br /> will be made ti~rough the Hental IIealtb Centers' Emergency Service. Clinicians on <br /> call 24 hours a day will assist the calling party in determining the appropriate- <br /> ness of the admission, screening out those who obviously need medlca) attention, <br /> and will make the referral to the detox facility. Ti~e detox staff, also, when the <br /> client arrives at the facili~y~ will ~i~ake an evaluation of each person being referred <br /> before admission is granted. Any wino in the opinion of the facility staff need to be <br /> seer, by a physician will be referred immediatley for medical care. <br /> <br /> 3. ~ledical back-up services will be to the program. The screening and <br /> referral services ~n each county will attempt to 'nsure ~hat those needing medical <br /> C~l-e are directed firs~ to a physician, or the hospital emergency room, n the <br /> country of residence. After admission to the detox facility medical emergencies will <br /> be sent to the ~ab~rrus ~lemoria] ]~ospita] em~rgeocy room. <br /> <br /> 4. The social detox staff will consist of a~ alcoholism coenselor, who will serve <br /> as program coordinator, and four fnll-time and two part-time health care technicians. <br /> The nrogram coordinator will be responsible for supervising the care of the patients, <br /> counseling services to the patients and members of their families, and linking all <br /> patients to outpatient counseling and other community resources~ Folio,~-up con,acts <br /> w~th each discharged patient will be made ~y ti~e detox and Hental IIealth Centers <br /> Alcoholism staff members. (See attached flow chart). <br /> <br />V. Fnnd~ng <br /> <br /> i. The entire costs for initiating the social detox program,; including furnishings <br /> and equipment, and the cost of operating the program ~hrough the current fiscal <br /> year, will be paid from the Federa] Operations Grant. IIopefully~ by July~l, 1979, <br /> we will be able to share in the use of $1 million expected to be appropriated by <br /> the llorth ~arotina General Assembly to help implement ~touse ~ill 802. I~e have already <br /> sub~ii~ted a request for these funds and expect, to have a~out $50,000 committed to <br /> Piedmont Area for operating the detox facility for 1979 - 80. <br /> <br /> ~e expect the State funds ~o be cootinuing in future years and the Federal Grant <br /> is for eigh~ years with possible annual emergency renewals thereafter. The Federal <br /> <br /> <br />