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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />JAMB I. HUNT. JR. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES xua~ H. WL.9.. u.o. <br /> DJuJs~on of ~eHh EeruJce~ <br /> <br /> CI~5. CO-" hJ <br /> MEMO~DUM ' ' <br /> TO: Cabarrus County Health Dire~or <br /> <br /> SUBJECT: Allocation of High Priorit~ I~t Tracking F~ds <br /> <br /> We are Pleased to advise ~ou that the North Carolina Legislature has appro- <br /> priated f~ds that ma~ be used bW local health departments to carrg out ~e <br /> 9oals and objectives of the High Priority Inf~t Tracking Progr~. We have <br /> decided to include these funds in the MCH Budget. Based u~n ~%~ allocation <br /> formula, $ 15~345 is available for use in ~our heal~ depar~nt. <br /> <br /> Except for a few co~ties ~at are already receiving additional fin~cial <br /> assistance from ~e MCH Branch for High Priorit~ Inf~t Identification Nnd <br /> Tracking and so~ of the counties having special project, funds for ~e High <br /> Priority Inlet Tracking Program were all~ated as follows: <br /> <br /> 1) Every co~ty' was given a minim~ base ~t of $5,000. <br /> <br /> 2) Additional funds were allocated to the co~ties on ~e basis of ~e <br /> nu~er of live births by count~ of oc~rrence, the numar of live <br /> births b~ count~ of residence ~d ~e nu~r of f~lies ~low the <br /> povert~ level. <br /> <br /> 3) The reminder of ~ unallocated f~ds was divided equall~ ~n9 <br /> the four regional offices for them to ~e reco~ndations regarding <br /> the distribution of these funds. <br /> <br /> In Order to receive these funds, wour depart~nt must agree te assure ~at <br /> the High Priorit~ Inf~t Trackin9 Guidelines~which have been fo~arded to <br /> ~ou, will be followed by ~our heal~ .depart~nt's MCH Progr~. Accordingly, <br /> if ~ou wish to utilize these funds, the ~t allocated to ~our depart~nt <br /> <br /> <br />