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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOqTATION <br /> <br /> JAMES B. HUN1. JR. Albemarle, ~' C. 28001 <br /> GOVERNOR "' - DIVISION OF HIGHt%'AYS <br /> August 2~, 1979 <br />THOMAS W. BRADSHAW. JR. <br />SECRETARY <br /> <br /> Cabarrus County Commissioners <br /> Cabarrus Couoty Courthouse <br /> Coocord, N. C. 28205 <br /> <br /> Re: Access to Wolf Headow School <br /> Gentlemen: <br /> <br /> This is to advise that the Department of Trans- <br /> portation has completed the new access road to Wolf <br /> Headow School, %.;ith the only work remazning being that <br /> %~hich is necessary in conjunction with the sidewalk con- <br /> struction being performed at Phillip Morris' expense, <br /> <br /> To the best of ky knowledge, this would complete <br /> the requirement in the agreement for the De-dedication <br /> of the old access road right of way on which t~e have <br /> stopped ali maintenance and abandoned from the highway <br /> system. <br /> <br /> Yours very truly, .~ <br /> <br /> DAVID B. ROBERTS <br /> DIVISION ENGINEER <br /> DBR:sp <br /> <br /> cc: Mr. John R. Boger <br /> Mr. Sam Hardymon <br /> Mr. T. L. Patterson <br /> <br /> <br />