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-3- <br /> <br />During D~d~mber and Jauuaz-] the COG §toff will be aSsiSting any County Dee"office <br />tha~~ desires it, ~n including this process in their presentation to the county <br />cvmmissiou at' budget time. If you have any.questions or want a presentation of <br />this system to your staff or board, please call Chuck Chorak or Scarlette Johns. <br /> <br /> EMS <br /> <br />Although'there was about $117,000 worth of equipment in the 1203 for counties tO <br />use for EMS equltpment, the majority of the funds were for communication equipment. <br />Since the aWarding of the 1203 grant, HEW has decided that a commmuication plan <br />mUst be completed before bidding or purchasing any equipment. Th~ guidelines for <br />this plan will be completed in early January. The cOG staff expects to have the <br />plan complete by March in order to purchase and install equ/pment for th~ county <br />by Juan. Th~. s~-~f will be work/rig closely with you and will need your assistance <br />in completing the plan for your county as expeditiously as possible. <br /> <br /> The Regional EMS staff needs a decision by either the county administrative <br /> decision maker for EMS or a county co-~ttse for ~S, to proceed with plans for <br /> spending EMS public education funds in the county. You will be contacted by <br /> David Eailey about this shortly. <br /> <br />Tbs staff is presently w~rking on a second year application for 1203 funds. Our <br />g~ant is due to OEMS in March. It will have to be ready in February for the <br />Executive Council of the COG Board; The EMS Council will pass Judgment on the <br />.grant in early February. The co~ittees and counties will have to review it in <br />January. During December and January recently organized committees or existing <br />groups could'make timely suggestions-about the future year for the EMS program <br />to the County Comm*ssioners. In this way the suggestions and work plan for this <br />year would reflect and be complemented by the grant or activities elated for <br /> <br /> Family P1 ~u~ing <br /> <br />The F~v"~ly Pl~n~ing staff originated a memo last month reminding county projects <br />that we have had difficulty in getting financial reports submitted by the dead- <br />lines. To avoid holding up counties which submit reports and requests on time <br />wu must send,in those which have been submitted. Please remiad your health de- <br />partment that we need their expenditure reports in order to request funds for the <br />next quarter. Although some counties don't need the money ~-.~ediately it is in- <br />creasingly difficult to keep tract of: how much the county is entitled to, how <br />much it has drawn..and particularly if it is overspending or underspending as the <br />year draws to au end. If you have any problems or questions with this, please <br />call Lynn Griffin or Chuck Cborak, <br /> <br />Manpower <br /> <br />The COG Manpower staff is working on an impact evaluation for Title I CETA programs <br />which were operated ia Region F in the 1977 fiscal year (October 1, 1976-Septem- <br />ber 30, 1977). <br /> <br /> Manpower Planning for FY'79 is beginning and a workshop is planned at DCE <br /> January 1-10 for technical assistance to the LRO planners. <br /> <br /> The State Division of Community EmPl0Yment has taken over the monitoring respon- <br /> sibilities for Region F for the 1978 fiscal year which began October 1, 1977. As <br /> of this date, the COG has not received any monitoring reports from DCE as to the <br /> performance of the Region F operators for CETA Title I, since October 1. This is <br /> <br /> <br />