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(b) To disseminate information which will assist in the <br /> <br />elimination of prejudice, intolerance, tensions, and discrimination, <br /> <br />and wiiidh %vill promote goodwi{1 among the c0rnmuniiy as a whole. <br /> <br /> (c) To receive complaints and to investigate sad siudy <br />co]nplaints, problems, and specific situaiions arising betwecn groups <br />or individuals which resull or may result in tensious, discrimination, <br />or prejudice within the County. <br /> <br /> (d) To provide chanaels of communication among persoas of <br />all races, to eacourage the e~nplosa~nent of qualified people without regard <br />to race, to encourage youth to become better traincd asd qualified for <br />useful employ]n(~]t, and to promote equality of opportuaily for all ciii- <br />zeus. <br /> <br /> (e) To offer i~s assistance ia an atiempi at coaciliatio~] of any <br />problems that ]nay arise in the community xvhich violale the purposes <br />of this ordinance. <br /> <br /> Section 6. The Board of Commissioners of Cabarrus County <br />shall have the au~horiiy lo enter inio coniracts %vith aad accept graats from <br />the State and Federal Government and fo accept grants from such private <br />sources as they may be auiborized to receive by law to provide funds for the <br />Cabarrus Counly Community Relations Commission. <br /> <br /> Section 7. Ail funds of the Cabarrus County Comrnuniiy <br />lqelaiions Com~nission shall be admiaistered in accordance with lhe provi- <br />sions of "The County Fiscal Control Act". <br /> <br /> <br />