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Surveyor, November 3, 1976, TOGET[[FJR WITH all of the right, title <br />and interest of Concord--Kannapolis Savings and Loan Association in and <br />to the walk bct~veen the said property and Church Street, South, and <br />SUBJECT TO the right of way of said walk and Church Street, South. <br /> <br /> TRACT B is described as follo~vs: <br /> Lying and being in ~Vai-d No. 3 of the Cily of Concord, Cabar- <br />rus County, North Carolina, on thc '~Vest side of B,IcCacbern Boulevard, <br />and being more particularly described as follows: <br /> <br /> BEGINNING at a point in the curb on [he Wes[ side of <br />1VIcCachern Boulevard, corner of Concord-Kannapolis Savings and Loan <br />Association and Caba~'rus County; and runs thence S, 44-01 E. 30 feet [o <br />a p. k: nail in B,IcCachern Boulevard; thence a new linc S. 47-49 W. 275.23 <br />feet to an iron stake, an old corner of Concord-Kannap'olis Savings and <br />Loan Association and the property formerly known as the '~Vinecoff Service <br />Station lot; thence two lines of Concord-Kannapolis Savi~)gs and Loan Asso- <br />ciation as follows: 1st, N. 31-05 ~,,. 68.1 feet to an iron stake; 2nd, N. 44- <br />58 E. 209. 31 feet to the BIq~'GINNiNG, containing 5, 830 square feet, more <br />or less, as surveyed and platted by Billy B. Long, Registered Land Sur- <br />veyor, November 3, 1976, and subject to a right of way for McCachern <br />Boulevard. <br /> <br /> <br />