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(b) That the School building be constructed pursuant to said order <br /> <br /> shall be of non-fireproof constl-uctic~ as defined in the County ~mnce <br /> <br />Act. <br /> <br /> (C) That the priod of the llfe of the school building described <br /> <br /> in said order has bee~and is est/mated by this Board as a period of <br /> thirty ~ears, said period beL~g computed from May 18, 1943, being a date <br /> one year after the final passage of said order, and that said period <br /> ex~ires May 18, 1973. <br /> <br /> Section.2. Tha~ ~mr the _purpose of providing-the school in~rom~en~m <br /> <br /> pursuant to said order, such ~chool improvements ha~ become at~olutel <br /> necessary in order to maintaAn the constAtutional six months.' ~chool <br /> term, the negotiable coupon bonds of Cabarrus. County shall be ismxad <br /> in the aggregate principal amount of $13,OOO, designated ."School Build- <br /> ing Ponds", consisting of 13 bonds of the denomination of $1, O00 each, <br /> n,-~ered 1 to 13, inclusive, dated June 1, 1942, maturing annually, <br /> June 1, in amaeri~a]2order, lo,est numbers first, $1,000 1943 to 19-55, <br /> inclusive, without option of pr'ior payment. <br /> <br /> Section 3. That said ~13,000 School Building Bonds shall boar <br /> <br />interest at a rate or rates not exceeding 6% per .annum to be determined <br />by the Local Government Commission at the time the bonds are sold, which <br />interest shall be . .p~.yablu semi-annually on the first da~ of June and <br />December of each year, both principal and interest to be payable at The <br />Chase National Bank of the City of New York. in New York City in any coin <br />or currency of the United States of America, ~hich, at the respective <br />dates of payment thereof is legal tender for public and private debts. <br /> <br /> Section 4. That said School Building Bonds shall be si~ned by the <br /> <br /> Chal~ of the Board. of Commissioners and_ by the Register of Deeds and <br /> ex-officio Clerk of said Board, under the COrporate seal of the County, <br /> and the coupons attached thereto to evidenced installments of interest <br /> shall be executed with the facsim/le signature of said Register of Deeds <br /> and ex-officio Clerk. Said bonds and the coupons attached thereto~ and <br /> the endorsements to be printed upon the reverse thereof, shall be in <br /> substantially the following forms <br /> <br /> No....... $1,0OO <br /> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA <br /> <br /> STATE OF NORTH CARO.LINA <br /> <br /> COUNTY OF CABA.~RU~ <br /> <br /> The Countyof Cabarrus, in the State of t~orth Caroline, is Ju~t:l~ <br /> <br /> 2r~tebted and for ~al~e..received hereby promieee to pay to the bearer, er <br /> if this bond be relCstered, to the reCstered o~ner hereof,, on <br /> day o£ June, 19...o, the princil~l su~ of Ol~ T~O~SA~ DOLI~I~ <br /> <br /> <br />