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P~. 4 <br /> <br /> E. MINUTES OF BOARD OF EDUCATION OF. Cabarrus COUNTY <br /> DATE ......... .~ ~ ~.....~.~._...1.~.45. ............................................................. <br /> <br /> At a meeting of the County Board of Education of ............................................................. .C~]~a~r~.u~ .............................. County held ~on the <br /> <br />....... .~.~_~_ ........ day .of .......... ~_~ .......................................... 19_~_~_~ .... the following members were present, the same being a qu~ru~ of <br />said board: <br /> <br /> Messrs ........ ~__.~.,___.~.~.~.~ ........................... ~.~.~..~.~_~ <br /> H. ~. C~ne <br /> <br /> ~e following resolution was offered by Mr...._~._.~ ...................... and seconded by Mr....~,...~...~ ............................ : <br /> <br /> '.'Re~lved by the County Board of Education of ......................... ~.~_~.~.~. .............................................. County: <br /> <br /> (1) That for properly maintaining a six months' school term in District No.__~ ....... , .................................... ~ ....................... Township, <br /> <br /> ~inecoff ~ ~ ' _ ........ ~ ...... L ............ ~ce, C~b~rrus County, <br />........................................................................................................... ~C~OOI, ........................................................................ <br /> <br />as required by Article IX, Section 3, of the Constitution of the State o~ North Carolina, it ts neces~ry that certain improvements be m~de <br />therein of the following character: (Here set out character of improvements as specified in application)- <br /> <br /> Construct a new l~chroom at the W~ecoff School. <br /> <br /> (2). That in order to provide said improvements It is necessary thati~ ~um of Fifteen thousand dollars <br /> ...................................................................... /_~.~ .................... Dollars (~ ~z000~00 ) be obtained by borrowing tDe same, <br />................................. y .......... ~.~-~ ............ <br />to be used by the County Board of Education of ~b~rr~s County for said purpose. <br /> <br /> ~ Cabarrus ~ - <br /> (~) That the 0ounty Board o~ Education o ............................................................................. ~ ....... ooun~y does hereby authorize ~he appli- <br /> <br />cation ~or, and procurement o~, a ~oan ~or sa~d purpose ~rom the ~tate L~terary Fund o~ ~he Btate o~ North Carolina, established <br />and operated under III. C. S. $~-~g7, the same being Article ~, Ohapter ~, Public ~ws, 1~$, and Chapter ll~, Public Laws, l~?, <br />and ~d hoard does hereby authorize and d~r~t ~hat aH n~essary ~teps he taken ~o procure sa~d ~oan under the terms o~ ~d statutes <br />and ~es and r~u~at~ons o~ the State Board o~ Education governing the making o~ ~oans ~rom sa~d ~und, and the Oha~rman and <br />tary o~ th~s Board are hereby authorized, empowered and d~r~ted to make the nece~ary appHca~om ~or ss~d ~oan, to execute note <br />not~, and aH other papers required ~or sa~d purpose under sa~d ~tatutes and the ru~es and re~at~ons o~ the Etate Board o~ Education. <br /> <br /> The resolution waa du~y adopt~ by the ~oHow~ng vot~: <br /> <br /> Those vo~ng ~n ~e a~rmat~ve were: Those voting ~n the negative were: <br /> <br /> ~essrs .....~-..~.~--~~'---- ~o~r~ ............................................................................................. <br /> <br /> Whereupon the chairman announced that the said resolution was duly and properly adopted. <br /> <br /> <br />