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F. MINUTES OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Cabarrus COUNTY <br /> <br /> At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of ........................ ~.~.~.~. ....................... County, held on the ........ _~.~ ........... day <br /> of ........................................................................ 19___.~5__~._, the following members were present, the same being a quorum of sa~d board: <br /> <br /> "Resolved by the Board o~ County Commissioners of ............................... ~_~.~.~_~. .................................. County: <br /> (1) That for properly maintaining a six months' school term in District No..___.~___, .................................... -~ ...................... Township, <br /> <br /> ............................ ~~ ..................................................... Sch~l ........... )~ ................. Race ................................................... C~~ ....... County, <br /> as r~uir~d by Article IX, Section 3, of the Constitution of the State of North Carolina, it is n~essary that certain improvements be <br /> made therein of the following character: (Here set out character of improvements as specified in application)- <br /> <br /> (2) That in order to provide ~id improvements it is neces~ry that the sum of._~_~_~_~.~...~.~.~__~.~.~.~ ...................... <br /> .................................................................................................................................. Dollars ($___~_~.~.,~0~_ .................. ) be obtained by borrowing the <br /> <br /> s~me, to be used by the County Board of Educatio~ ~* ~r~ ~ .... ~, for said purpose. <br /> _~ Cabarrus <br /> (3) ~at the Board o~ County Commissioners ~ .................................................................................. ~o~ does hereby approve o~ and <br /> authorize the application for, and procurement of, for said ~urpose from the State Literary Fund of the State of North Carolina, <br /> es~blish~ and operated under III. C. S. 5683-5687, the same being Article 24, Chapter 136, Public ~ws, 1923, and Chapter 115, Public <br /> Laws, 1937, and said Board does hereby authorize and direct that all necessary steps be taken to procure said loan under the terms of <br /> said statutes and the rules and regulations of the S~te Board of Eduction governing the making of loans from said fund, and the <br /> Chairman and Clerk to this Board are hereby authorized, empowered and directed for and on behalf of this Board to Join with the <br /> County Board of Education of ........................................................ .~.~.~-~ ................................................................................................. County <br /> in making the n~essary a~plication therefor, and to take such action under this resolution and under said statutes, rules and regula- <br /> ~tions~as may be necessary for said purpose. The county accoun~nt is hereby authorized and direct~ to make application to The ~cal <br /> G~ ~ernment Commission ~or approval of the issuance o~ such notes. <br /> C~b~rrus <br /> (4) That the Board of Commissioners of ............................................................................... County hereby agrees to le~, at the appro- <br /> priate tax levying period in each and every year, upon all taxable property in said county, ad valorem taxes at a rate sufficient to m~t <br /> the interest and principal payments on such part of the loan requested herein as may be approved by the State Board of Education, and <br /> thereby provide the funds neces~ry each and every year to meet and repay the inter~t.and principal paymen~ due on such approved <br /> loan, under the te~s of the statute by authority o~ which the said loan is made, and in accordance with the rules and re~lations of <br /> the S~te Board of Education governing such loans, as found in Book 10, pp. 340 and 368, of the minutes of the said State Board of <br /> Education." <br /> The resolution was duly adopt~ by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Those ~o~ve were: ~ ~ Those voting in the negative were: <br /> <br /> Whoroupon th~ Chairman announeod that ~ald resolution wa8 duly and proporl~ adoptod. <br /> <br /> . 8s roeor~ed In tho roeord of ~ts ~roeeeding8 in Book ............ ~____, pag~ ................. , and of the mt~e~ of the Board of Count7 ~ommls~tonor~ <br /> <br /> Count~ Attorne~ for ............................................................... '~'-- <br /> <br /> <br />