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Lng ~42,000 for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the <br /> '~ost of providin~ the school improvements mentioned in the <br /> ?irst preamble hereof in order to maintain the constitut'onal <br /> <br /> ~ix months' school term in Cabarrus County. <br /> <br /> 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and intere ~t <br /> <br /> ~f s~id bonds shall be annually levied and collected. <br /> <br /> 3. That a statement of the County debt has been filed <br /> <br /> ~£th the Clerk and is open to public inspection. <br /> <br /> 4. That this order shall take effect thirty days after <br /> <br /> ~he first publication thereof after final passage, unless in <br /> ~he meantime a petition for its submission to the voters is <br /> 'iled under said Act and that in such ~vent it shall take <br /> ~ffect when approved by the voters of the County at an elec- <br /> tion as provided in said Act. <br /> <br /> The Board thereupon designated the County Accountant as <br /> <br />~he officer to file with the Clerk the statemsnt of debt and <br />~ssessed valuation required by the County Finance Act to be <br />?iled before the final passage of the bond order this day <br />introduced. <br /> <br /> Thereupon the County Accountant filed with the Clerk, in <br /> <br />the presence of the Board, the st~tement of debt and assessed <br /> <br />~aluation as required by Section 13 of the County Finance Act <br /> <br /> The order authorizing ~42,000 School Building Bonds was <br /> <br />thereupon passed on first reading. <br /> <br /> And thereupon the Board fixed lO:~O o'clock, A. ~., <br /> <br />~ept~nber 17, 1945, as the hour and date for the publi c hear- <br />~ng as required by Section 16 of the County Einance Act, and <br />ltrected the Clerk to publish the bond order which has been <br />Introduced this day, together with the appended note as re- <br />quired by Section 16 of said Act, in The Conc ard Daily <br />~ribune, not later than the 10th day before said date. <br /> <br /> I, John R Beget, Cl~rk to the Board of Commissioners for <br />~he County of Cabarrus, North Carolina, DO H~iREBY CE~TI~Y th~ <br />~he foregoing is a true copy of so much of the proceedings <br />~f tho Board of Com~.issioners of said County at a regular <br />~eeting thereof held September 4, 1945 as relate to the iss- <br />uance of bonds of said CoUnty, and that said proceedings are <br />.~ecorded in Volume 12 of the Minutes of said Board, beginnin~ <br />~t page 2~5 and ending at page F.-~.~.. ' ° <br /> <br /> WITNESS my hand and the s~al of said County this 4 day of. <br /> <br />Sept ember, 1 . ,~. ~. <br /> <br /> <br />