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P~0CEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COM~ISSIOMERS FOR 'I HE COUNTY OF CABARRUS, <br />NOE~H CAROLINA, in adjourned regular session at the Courthouse in Concord, <br />North Carolina, the regular place of meeting, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on <br />20, 1.~46, relating to SPECIAL COUNTY TAX FOR SCHOOL SUPPLemEnT. <br /> <br /> Commissioner ~a~ W. Cline . introduced the <br /> <br />following resolution, which was read~ <br /> <br />~ESOLUTION CA_;.I.ING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO VOTE UPON THE LEVY OF A SPECIAL <br /> <br />COUNTY TAX, NOT TO EXCELD TE~ CENTS (10~) TO SUPPT,~T THE NINE MONTES <br /> <br />SCHOOL FUND. <br /> <br /> Nt~, the Trustees of the Concord City Administrative Unit have <br /> <br />certified to this Board a resolution passed by said Trustees on May 4, <br />1@465 the Trustees of the Kannapolis City Administrative Unit have cer- <br />tified to this Board a resolution passed by amid Trustees on ~ 6, 194~j <br />and the Board of Education of Cabarrua~lCounty has certified to this Bo~r~ <br />a resolution passed by said Board of Education on May 6, 1946; all of <br />saiA _Beard of Education on May. 6, 154~S all of said resolutions requesting <br />a special election to determine the will of the people aa to whether <br />Cabarrus County shal levy a county wide tax on all taxable property and <br />polls in the county, said special county tax not to exceed ten cents (1( <br />on the one hundred dollars ($100.00) valuation of p.roper~y, to suppleme~ <br />thenine mont~hs school fund, in accordance with the provisions of the <br />General Statutes of North Carolina, <br /> <br /> Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Co~issionera for the <br /> <br />County of Cabarrus ~ <br /> <br /> Section 1. That a special election is hereby called to be held on <br /> <br />Tuesday, July 2, 1946, between 6~S0 AM and 6~30~ at which time there <br />will be, submit-~ed to the qualified voters of the County of Cabarrus ~he <br />following question~ <br /> <br /> Shall there be levied on all taxable property and polls in the coum~y <br /> <br />a special county tax, not to exceed ten cents (10~) on the one hundred <br />dollars ($100.00) valuation of property, to supplement thenntne months <br />school fund? <br /> <br /> Section 2. That there shall be a new registration of voters for <br /> <br />purpose of said election, the booms to be open for the registeration of <br />voters from ~ AM to 6 PM on each day except Sunday and holidays, beginn~ ng <br />Saturday, June 1, 1946, and closing Saturdsy, June 22, 1946. On each <br />Saturday duri~ such period said books shall remain open at the polling <br />places. <br /> <br /> Section ~, That a notice o~ said election and new registration shall <br />be published in the Concord Tribune not later then May ~2., 1946, and ah~ll <br />again be published in the same newspaper on May 2~, 1948, on June 5, 1~6, <br />and on June 12, 1946, reading substantially as follows~ <br /> <br /> NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ~.;.MCTION AND NEI~ REGISTraTION, COUNTY OF <br /> <br /> <br />