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Section 15. Assignmg~nt or transferv-Approval required. <br /> <br /> No certificate may be assigned or transferred except upon approval of th Board <br />Section 16. Substitution of vehicles, Transfer of liability Insurance. <br /> The person tS ~hom a certificate has been issued may, by appropriate end ~rse- <br />merit thereon by the Examining Bureau, substitute another vehicle or vehicles for the <br />vehicle or vehicles for which certificates were granted. In such instance, the <br />liability insurance or bond shall also be transferred to such substitute vehicle ~ or <br />vehicles. The same rule shall also apply in case o~ destruction of taxicabs or Ln <br />case o5 their replacement. <br />Section 17. Suspension or revocation. <br /> Certificates may be suspended or revoked by the Board, upon recommendat~ ~n of <br />the Ex~mining Bureau, at any time in case: <br /> (~) The Board finds the owner's pas record to be unsatisfactory; <br /> (b) The owner fails to operate the taxicab or taxicabs in accordance wit~ <br />the prc ~isions of these Regulations or any amendments hereto; <br /> (c) The owner shall cease to operate any taxicab for a period of thirty ~on- <br />secuti~ days without obtained permission from the Examining Bureau for the cessation <br />of suc~ operation; <br /> (d) The failure ~o operate a taxicab for which the owner holds a certificate as <br />a taxi¢ ~b on call for eight hours out of any twenty-four hour day for at least f Zve <br />days es ~h week; <br /> (e) And for any other reason hereafter designated by the Board. <br /> No certificate shall be revoked unless and until forty-eight hour's notice <br />of hear ~ing shall have been given to the holder of such certificate and such heaming is <br />duly hs ~ thereon. <br /> Section 18. Suspended or revoked certificates to be surrendered to the <br />Examin~ ~g Bureau. <br /> A~y..ce~tificate which shall have been suspended or revoked by the Board ~hall <br />im~edia~eIy surrendered to the Examining Bureau, together with the corresponding memorat - <br />dura cer~ificate, and the operation of any taxicab or taxicabs covered by such ce ~ifica~ ~s <br />shall c~ase. <br /> Division III - Specifications for Vehicles. <br /> Section19. Vehicles to be in good running condition - Four wheel brakes - Bump ~rs. <br /> No certificate shall be granted for any vehicle u~less said vehicle is i good <br />running condition in all respects. Said vehicle must be equipped with front and rear <br />bumpers and with standard four wheel brakes. <br />Section 20. Separate color schemes for each company. <br /> Ail taxicab~ owners or companies shall adopt a separate color scheme fo~ paint- <br />ing of '~heir cabs distinct from that of a~her cab owz~ers or companies. Ail taxi mbs of <br />each ow mer or company shall be of the same color scheme. <br />Section 21. Names and numbers to be painted on taxicabs. <br /> The name of the taxicab company, taxicab number, and telephone number of the <br />company shall be painted on both sides and on the rear~ of each cab with letters and <br />numbers at least four inches high on the sides and with at least a six inch cab ~mber <br />on the :ear. The paint must be of per,~uent nature and the colors used for !ett ~ring <br />numbers must be in sharp contrast, with the color of the surface paint to which :~t is <br />applied so as to be visible at a reasonable distance, especially at hight time m~der <br />street Lights. No lettering or numbers will be acceptable which have been paint,~d upon <br />a sheet of metal or other material which in turn can be removed or detached so a~ to coz- <br />ceal th, identity of_the cab company and the cab number. <br /> DSvigion IV Rules for Operation. <br />Section 22. Registration and licenses required. <br />registe No person shall operate a motor vehicle as a taxicab until such vehicle ms be~ <br /> ~d in accordance with all the requirements of this State and ~11 proper ~tcenses <br />D~ve be ;n obtained therefor. <br />Section 23. Operation ~nerally. <br /> , Every taxicab shall be operated in accordmace with the laws of the ~tat, of <br />N~rth C ~rolina and in accordance with these Regulations with due regard for the ~afety, <br />c~mfort and convenience of passengers and for the sale and careful treatment of ,he <br />I general public. <br />Section124. Cabs to be operated by owner or authorized agent. Cnntracts betwe~ owner <br /> <br /> INo taxicab shall be operated except by the owner thereof or by a duly au' horize~ <br />agent aSd employee of the owner to whom such owner pays a fixed and definite wag, or a <br />fixed c~mmission or percentage on the gross amount received from the operation o~ such <br />taxicab~ or a combination waEe and commission. <br /> INo owner of any taxicab shall enter into any contract, agreement or unde~ sta~iiz~ <br />with an ~ driver by the terms of which such driver pays to such owner a fixed or i etermi~ ~ ble <br />sum per day for the use of such taxicab and is entitled to all, or a portion of ~he proc ~eds <br />of oper ~tion over and above the fixed or determinable sum. <br /> Division V - Records and Report of Accidents. <br />Section 25. Records to be kept with the Examining Bureau - Notice of Change. <br /> Every compa%y shall maintain on file with the Examining Bureau its name, busines <br />address ~ all business telephone numbers listed in its name, and the names of all owners, <br />the ~nm ,s of all drivers and their license numbers and addresses, and shall, wit]~in for~ <br />eight h ,urs after any change in connection therewith report such change or chang, s to <br />the Em~g Bureau. <br />Section 26. Heport of accidents. <br /> Ail accidents from or in connection with the operation of taxicabs whichf esult <br />in inji~ to any person or property shall be .reported to the Examining BureaumwiShin <br />itwenty-~our hours from the time of the o£~Urrence on forms to be furnishedby thelExamin~ <br />~reau. <br /> <br /> <br />