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DIVISION VI - DRIV~' S PERMITS. <br />Sectio~ 27. l%quired - Issued by Examining Bureau -D~ration. <br /> INo person shall drive a taxicab within the Town of Kannapolis without first having <br />obtaingd a taxicab driver's permit from the Examining Bureau, such permit to beleffecti~e <br />duringlthe calendar year. <br />Sectiol~ 28. Requirements of applicant. <br /> Each applicant for a driver's permit mst meet the following requirementS: <br /> (a) Be at least twenty-one years of age; <br /> (b) Be of sound mind and body without physical defect; <br /> (c) Be able to read, write and speak the English Language; <br /> (dt Be clean in dress and person; o . <br /> (e~ Be not addicted to the use of drugs or intoxicating liquors; <br /> (f) Produce evidence of good character by affidavits; <br /> (g) Hold an automobile chauffeur's license from the Motor Vehicle C~mmis~ion of <br />the St~te of NsrthOarolina. <br />Sectio~ 29. F~rms to be furnished by Examini~ Bureau. <br /> Forms for the applications of drivers for permits, with the requirements~ shall be <br />furnisl~ed by the Examining Bureau. <br />Sectio~ 30. Examination of applicant by the Examinin~i~eau. <br /> lEach applicant for a taxicab driver's permit shall be examined by the Ex~mining <br />Bureaulas to his knowledge of the provisions of these Regulations, the t~raffic :~egulations <br />of thi~ State, as to his physical condition, and he shall exhibit a current certi~cate. <br />Sectio~ 31. Authority of Ex~m~uing Bureau to refuse a permit. <br /> ~The Examining Bureau may grant or renew a taxicab driver's pendt in ~e <br />case o~ an application f rom any person. <br /> (a) Who has no State Chauffeur's license; <br /> (b) Who has been convicted of a felony; <br /> (c) Who has been convicted previously of driving an automobile resulting in the <br />death ~f any person; <br /> (d) Who has been convicted of driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated; <br /> (e) Who has been convicted of a violation of any law, State or Federal, 'elating <br />to the use, possession or sale of intoxicating liquors; <br /> (f) Who has been convicted of a violation of any law, State or Federal, ~elatin~ <br />to pro ~titution; <br /> (g) Who has been convicted of a v~olation of an~ law, State or Federal, ~latin~ <br />to the use, possession or sale of hypnotic or norcotic drugs; <br /> (h) Who has been an habitual violator of traffic laws or an habitual use~ of intOxi- <br />cating liquor, hypnotic or narcotic drugs; and <br /> (i) Who, for just reason, including, or other than the above, in the opinion of ~he <br />Examin .rig Bureau,~ is unfit to drive a taxicab. <br /> I~ all cases where'a permit is re~used, the applicant may appeal to t he ~oard. <br />Sectio ~32. Issuance of permit. <br /> Should the Examining Bureau find thab the applicant has complied satisfactorily ~ <br />with a .lthe provisions of these Regulations, it shall give the applicant a permSt to <br />drive. The Examining Bureau may renew a taxicab driver's permit from year to y~ar; pr°- <br />vided, that the applicant may appeal to the Board if refused a permit. <br />Sectio~ 33. Revocation. <br /> At any time after a permit has beem issued to any person to drive a taxi ',ab, the <br />Examin mg Bureau may revoke the permit, if the person holding such permit is co: ~victed of: <br />a felo: ~y; a violation of any Federal or State Law relating to the sale or posse ~sion <br />intoxi :ating liquors; a violation of any Federal or State Law relating to prost~.tution; <br />a viol ~tion of any Federal or State Law relating to the use, possession or sale of narcotic <br />drugs; repeated violation of traffic laws, ordinances and rules; becomes a habit0ual user <br />of int ,xicating liquors or narcotic drugs; for making any false statement in hi:~ application <br />for tm .'icab driver's permit; or for violating any provision of these Regulations; provided, <br />howeve ', that such driver may appeal to the Board and have his case reviewed. <br /> <br /> )IVISION VII - CONDUCT AND DUTIES OF DRIVERS. <br />Sectio~. 34. Cleanliness. <br /> )rivers of taxicabs shall be clean in dress and in person. <br />Sectio:~ 35. Restri£tions as to passengers r~.ding in front seat. · <br /> No driver shall permit any female passenger to ride the the front seat o~ any <br /> ~eWhen ~hechildren,rear seat t hereof is vacant, driver,and at no timeon shall more than. tw~ adults <br />ortaxica'thm school in addition to the ride the front seat of She <br />taxica~ ~. <br />Sectio:~ 36. Cruising. <br /> No. d river shall cruise in search of passengers at any time. <br /> DIVISION VIII - APPLICATION <br /> IT~ese regulations and all Amendments hereto shall apply to and bind all ~ersons <br />or orgSnizations owning or operating taxicabs in the Town of Kannapolis, N~rth qarolina, <br />whethe$ said taxicabs shall be operated from a depot or terminal within Ka~uapo~is or from <br />some d~pot or terminal which is located outside of s aid tbow~ <br /> <br /> The Board adjourned to meet at ~0:OO A. M., August 18, 1947. <br /> <br /> Clor' <br /> <br /> <br />