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..... i-a)-'~N~ permit shall be required for minor repair work such as the replacement o~ lamps, <br /> or the ¢onnection of portable devices to suitable receptacles which have been p~rmanently <br /> instal~ ed. <br /> (b) No permit Shall be required for the installation construction, maintanance .r repair <br /> of tel,;phone, telegraph, or signa~ system by public utilities. <br /> (2) In[.ieu of an individual permit for each installation or algeration an annua ~ permit <br /> shall, upon application therefore be issued to any person'firm or corporation r :gula~ly <br /> one or more electricians for the installation and maintenance of electric wiring <br /> device:~, applicanes and equipment on premises owned and a ccupied by the applica~]t. The <br /> applic~tion for such annual permit shall be made in writing to the Electrical I]~specto~ <br /> and sh~ll contain a description of the premises within which work is to be done under <br /> the pe]~it. The person, firm or corporation to which an annual permit is issued shall <br /> deep a record of all electric wiring, devices, appliances and equipment install,;d unde~ <br /> said p~rmit and the electrical inspector shall have access to such record, Each annual <br /> permit shall expire on June 30th. <br /> (3) No permit, except an annual permit, for the installation or alteration of al~y elec- <br /> tric w!.ring, devices, appliances or equipment shall be issued to any person, <br /> porati~n unless such person, firm or corporation is the holder ~f an electrical contra- <br /> ctors .icense issued by the North Carolina ~tate Board of Examiners of Electric~l Con- <br /> tracto 's. <br /> (~) Up~,n completion of any inst~llation for which a permit ~andinspection is req~ired <br /> shall ,e the duty of the person installing same to notify th~ electrical inspec'~or, wh¢ <br /> shall .nspect the installation within ~8 hours of the time such notice is ~iven or as <br /> soon t ~ereafter as practicable· <br /> (5) Who,me the Electrical Inspector fin~s the installation to be in conformity the <br /> p.~ovis.~.ons of the Public Safety Laws of the State governing ~lectrical wiring i~stalla~ ions <br /> and mat~erials and of this Ordinance he hsall issues a certificate of approval i~ dupli. <br /> cate o~e for the utility furnishing the electrical service and one fc~ the prop,;rty ow~ ~r. <br /> (6) Th~ person working in the capacity of electrician in charge'of a~y job shal~, have ~n <br /> his pop,session and on the premises where work is being performed Workman's Iden-~ificat~on <br /> Card, i~howing that hs is a qualified electrician, or that he is in the employ o~ a ~ua]i- <br /> fled a~d licensed electrical contractor. <br /> (7) Wh~ ~n a certificate of approval is issued authorizing the connection and use ~f tem- <br /> porary work , such certificate shall be issued to exprie at a time to be states there- <br /> in and shall be revocable by the county electricalinspector for cause. <br /> (8) Ad [itional inspections made necessary through the failire of any electrical contra- <br /> ctor, . ~r electician in charge of work, %o install wiring in the property manner are he~eby <br /> design. ~ted "Extra Electrical Inspections". For each such "Extra Electical Inspe,;tion" <br /> a Eee ~ ,f $3.00 shall be charged against and.paid by said contractor or to <br /> the Co ~ty Electrical Inspector. Nothing herein shall be construed to require e][tra fees <br /> for th~ serveral inspections made necessary in the regular order of electric~l ;onstru¢- <br /> tion w¢.rk, <br /> (9) Al'- defects in wiring shall be corrected within 72 hours from time electrical contra- <br /> ctor i~ notified of defects. ' <br /> SECTIO~ 5, ELECTRICALINSPECTION FEE~. ' <br /> Before a certificate of approval is granted for any electrical installation, th,,, pro~ <br /> petty ~.wner or electrical contractor shall pay to the coun~ty or its authorized ~gent, s <br /> fee in such amount as sp~c~.fied below: <br /> (]·) Outlets and Wall~witches: <br /> 12 (Minimum fee). ..... $3,00 <br /> 1 <br /> O~er 12, each . ........................... 10 <br /> (~') Motors: <br /> (minimum fee) 3,0~ <br /> 1 motor . ....................... <br /> F~ch additional motor ......................... 25 <br /> (.'. i ) Miscellaneous: <br /> E; ectric Range ~inimum fee) 3 <br /> W~.ter Heater (Minimum fee) .................. . 3.0~ <br /> E].eotric Water Pump (Minimum ~e~) .................. 3'0~ <br /> E].ectric Sign (Minimum Fee) ..................... 3.O~, <br /> E].ectric Pence (Minimum fee) ............. ..---- .. 3.O~ <br /> . O~.l Burner and Stoker Furnace Connections (Minimum fee)'. ..... . 3.0(P, <br /> R(~ctifiers and all machines of like nature, each .......... 3.0~,' <br /> (Note: If these itesmare installed and inspected when the original inspections made. <br /> the mir~imum fee shall be. $1.00 each) <br /> SECTIO}[ 6, PENALTIES. <br /> And pe]'son, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinal <br /> or who shall fail to correct any defects within 72 hours after having been noti~ied in <br /> wirtin~; by the county electrical inspector shall be ~uilty of a ruled.mean or an([ upon <br /> convict,ion thereof shall be punished by a fi~e of not lessthan $25.00 nor more ~hen $5£ )0 <br /> for ea¢',h offence, ~ogether with the costs of prosecution and in default of paym~,nt ther - <br /> of by ~mprisonment f~r noteless thatn 10 days nor more than 30 days. <br /> SECTI0} 7. LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES. <br /> This o] dinance shall not be construed to' relivee from or lessen the responsibil~ty or <br /> liabil~.ty of any party owning, operating, controlling or insta'llimg any electri~ wirin~ <br /> device,s' appliances, or equipment for damages to .person or property cause~ <br /> therei~$ nor shall the County of~ Cabarrus be held as assuming any such liabilit by re- <br /> aeon o~' the 'inspection authorized herein or the certificate of approval issued here <br /> in pro~ ~ed. <br /> SECTIO~ 8. LIABILITY. <br /> If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for ~any re- <br /> ason h~,ld to be uncOntitutional, Such decision shall not affect the ~alidity of the ~e- <br /> mainin~ portion of th~s Ordinance. The County Commissioners of Cabarrus Hereby elcare <br /> that i~ would have passed this Ordinance and each section subsection, sentence, clause <br /> or phr~ ~e there~, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, ~ubs ctions, <br /> senben(es, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. <br /> <br /> <br />