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Counties of Cabarrus and Union as to the compensation to be paid for the service s set <br /> forth in this contract for each such succeeding year. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the County of Cabarrus has caused these pr~sent.s t o be <br /> <br /> signed in its name by the Chairman of its Board of CommissiOners, and its corpo~ ate <br /> seA1 t¢ be hereto affixed, and attested by the Clerk to said Board, all by orde~ o~ a <br /> resolution of its Board of Commissioners duly passed and carried; and the count~ of <br /> Union has caused these presents to be signed in its~mame by the Chairman of its Board <br /> <br />l~of Commissioners and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and attested by the Clerk <br /> <br />~to sale Board, all by order of a resolution of its Board of Commissioners duly ] a~ed <br />land ca~.ried, this~the day and year first above written. <br />COUNTY OF CABARRUS <br />t By J. Lee White, Chairman, Board of Commis ~ioner~ <br /> ATTEST <br /> <br /> By Jo~ ~.~oger, Clerk, Board of Commissioners <br /> COUNTY OF UNION <br /> ... Chairman~ Board o~ Commis~ioner~, <br /> <br /> ATTEST. <br /> Cle. r$, Board of Commissioners <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE <br /> <br /> An OrdJ~nance cer safeguarding life and property by regulating and provided for ~he in- <br /> specti(~n of electric wiring, devices, applianceS ~nd equipment; creating the of ~ice of <br /> ElectrO.cai Inspector and ~scribing his authority and duties. <br /> THE BO~.RD OF COMMISSIONERS OF CABARRUS COUNTY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: <br /> SECTIO~ l, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR-APPOINT~ENT AND DUTIES <br /> There ~.s hereby created the office of County Electrical Inspector whose duth sh~ ll be to <br /> enforc~ all State and local laws governing electrical installations and materia s, ~o mssue <br /> permit~ for and to make inspections of all new electrical installations and sucl other ~n- <br /> specti~ns as may be prescribed by the County Commissioners. He shall make a rep, rt when- <br /> ever r~quested to the County CommisSioners or their authorized agent of all insl ~ections made <br /> and fe~ ~s collected and shall keep a permanent record thereof and such other rec, rdS as nay <br /> be pre~ cribed by the Eounty Commissioners. The salary or fees to ~be paid to the !Electri ~al <br /> Inspec' .or~ shall be determined by the County Uommissioners. <br /> SECTI(~ 2,~IAuTHORITY GRANTED TO COUNTY ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR <br /> (1) Th, electrical inspector shall have the right during reasonable hours to en'~er any ouildi~ g <br /> in the di$charg~ of his official duties, or for the purposes, of making any insp~ction, ~eins- <br /> pectio~ o~ test of the installation of Electric wiring, devices, appliances and equipme ~t con- <br /> tained therein, and shall have the authority to cut or discon~s ct any wire in c~ses of ~merge~ y <br /> where .ecessary for safety and property. Said electrical inspector is h,~reby a~ ~horiZ~ <br /> to dis, onnect or order the discontinuance of electrical service to any electric wiring, devic~ , <br /> applia~ ~ces or equipment found to be dangerous to life or property because it is defecti ~e or <br />defect! vely installed until such wiring, devices, appliances and equipment and 1.heir i~ ~talla? <br />have b, en made sa~e and approved by said electrical inspector. <br />! SECTIOI 3, WIRING REGULATIONS <br />(1) Th, ~lectric wiring of houses or buildings for lighting or for other purpos~,s shal2 con2o~ <br /> to the Iregulations prescribed by the organization known as National Board ~of Fi~ Unde~riter~. <br /> (2) Re, eptacle outlets in new buildings shall not be connected to light circuit:.. <br />i(3) ~u: ~ings wired by Owner will not be accepted for inspection unless permit ~as been issue~ <br /> by eleiitrical inspector. Owner must sign affidavit that wiring was installed by his. O, aer wi~ ~d <br /> buildi~gs found to be defective will not be accepted for reinspection until ~E'ected bM Stat~ <br /> licens~d electrician. <br /> (4) ~e~er location shall be p~Ainly stamPed or labeled on building by firm or c(~rporation sell ~g <br /> electr!~city within 48 hours exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and~h~idays when r~,quested by <br /> ele ctr~cai contra ctor. <br /> No cha~ge from this location shall be made at the expense of the building ownerl or ~ectrical <br /> contra(:tor. <br /> SECTIO~ 4, PE~IITS AND INSPECTIONS <br /> (1) No electric wiring, devices, appliances or equipment shall be installaed wi ~hin or on any <br /> buildi~g, structure, or premises, nor shall any alteration or addition be made .n any sach em- <br /> isting wiring devices, appliances or equipment without securihg a permit theref~ ~r~and h~ving <br /> inspect.ion ~hereof made by the County Electrical Inspector except as s~ated in he fol~ ~wing <br /> paragr~.phs and be as followns: <br /> <br /> <br />