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the resolution was passed by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Commissioners J. Lee ~ite, W. ~.[. ~,~orrison and H. L. Fink <br /> Noes: None <br /> <br /> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * <br /> I, John R. Boger, Register of ~eeds and ex officio Clerk of the Board of <br /> Commissioners for the County of Cabarrus, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERT£FY <br /> that the foreoging is a true copy of so much of the proceedings of the <br /> Board of Commissioners of said County at a regular meeting held ~Lmrch l, <br /> 1948 as relates in any way to the authorization of a $67,600 School Bui] ~ing <br /> Bond Anticipation Note of said County, and that said proceedings are re- <br /> corded in Minute Book No. 12 of~the'minutes of said Noard, beginning a' <br /> page 392 and ending at page 394.~ ' . <br /> WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of said County, this ]st day of <br /> March, 1948. <br /> John R Beser <br /> Register of Deeds and ex officio <br /> Clerk, Board of CommisSioners. <br /> <br /> The Board of Commissioners for the Co'u~tY ~6f' Cabarrus, North Carolina, <br /> convened in regular session at lO:O0 o'clock, A. M. March l, 1948, at th~ <br /> Courthouse, in Concord, North Carolina, the usual place of meeting. <br /> <br /> Present: Chairman J. Lee White and Commissioners W. k~. Morrison and <br /> H. L. Fink ~ <br /> Absent; C. ~. Crowell and R. W. Cline <br /> <br /> Thereupon Commissioner W. M. Morrison introduced the following resolutio <br /> which was read: <br /> RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A <br /> $75,000 SCHOOL BUILDING BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVEB by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Cabarrus: <br /> Section 1. That the Board of Commissioners has determined and does hereb <br /> find and declare: <br /> (a) That an order authorizing $870,000 School Building Oondw was finally~ <br /> passed on May 20, 1946, which order was approved by the vote of a majority <br /> of the qualified voters of said County at an elect~on duly called and he~d <br /> on July 2, 1946. <br /> (b) That none of the said bonds has been issued and that a $75,000 Sch0o~ <br /> Building Bond Anticipation Note dated April 1, 1947' As outstanding which/ <br /> was issuedin anticipation of t he sale of said bonds, which n~te matures <br /> on April l, 1948. <br /> <br /> Section 2. That in order ct anticipate the receipt of the proceeds of <br /> like amount of said School Building B6~ds~'~and for the particular purpos~ <br /> of paying said $75,000 School Building Bond Anticipation Note, a temporary <br /> loan of $75,000 is hereby authorized to be evidenced by a negotiable not~ <br /> of the County of Cabarrus designated "School Building B~nd Anticipation· <br /> Nnte" which no~e shall be dated April l, 1948, shallrma~n~e on ~ugust. l, <br /> 1948, without option of prior payment, shall be numbered l, shall bear i <br /> terest at the rate of 65/lOOths of 1% per annum, payable at the maturity <br /> of the note to which no interest coupons shall be attached, and the prir. <br /> cipal of and the interest on s aid note shall be payable at the Cabarrus <br /> Bank & Trust Company, in the ~lty of Concord, North Carolina. <br /> <br /> Section 3. That said note shall be signed by the Chairman of the Beard c <br /> Gommissioners and by the Re~ister of Deeds and ex officio Clerk of said <br /> Board, under the corporate seal of the County, and shall have endorsed <br /> thereon the written approval of the County attorney, and the form of cai <br /> note shall be substantially as follows: <br /> <br /> No. i $75,000 <br /> United States of America <br /> State of North Carolina <br /> COUNTY OF CABA~%RUS <br /> School Building Bond..~nticipat.ion Note <br /> <br />The Cou ~ty of Cabarrus, North Carolina, for value received hereby promises to p~y to <br /> the hearer on the 1st day of August~ 1948, the principal sum of <br /> SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS <br /> together with interest thereon at the rate of 65/1OOths of 1% per annum~ payabls upon <br /> the presentation and surrender ~f this note at its maturity. Both the principal of~andl <br /> the interest on this note are payable at the Cabarrus Bank & Trust Company in the City <br /> of Concord, North Carolina. For the prompt payment hereof, both principal and interest <br /> as the Same fall due, the full faith and credit of said Cou_uty are hereby irrevocably <br /> pledged. <br /> This note~is issued by said County in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of a <br /> like anount of School Building Bonds duly authorized by an order finally passed on <br /> May 2~, 1946, which order was approved by the vote of a majority of the qualified voters <br /> of sai~ County at an election duly called and held, and this note is issued pursuant t~ <br /> and i~full compliance with The County Finance Act, as amended, and tks Local ~vernmeSt <br /> <br /> <br />