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Act, a amended, and a resolution duly passed by the Bo~-d of bo~missioners fo~ said <br />County.I <br />It is ~ereby certified and recited that all ~acta, conditions and things require¢ to <br />~appen~ exist and be done by the ConstitutiOn and laws of NOrth Carolim precede at to <br />and inlthe issuance of this note, have happened, sxist and have been done in.regular an <br />due fo~ and time as so required, and that the total indebtedness of said Count~', in- <br />cludin~this note, does not exceed any constitutional or satutory limitation th, reon. <br />IN WITNESS W~{EREOF, said County of Cabarrus, pursuant to said resolution of its Board <br />CommisSioners, has caused this note to be executed by the Chairman of said Boa~ and by <br />the Re~ister of Deeds and ex officio Clerk of said Board, under the corporate seal of <br />the Codnty, all as of the 1st day of April,~ 19~8. <br /> <br /> J. Lee White <br /> Chairman, Boar~ of Commissioners <br /> <br /> John R. Boger <br /> Registe~ of Deeds and ex offici¢ <br /> Clerk, Board of Commissioners <br /> <br />This i~ suance of the within note is hereby approved. <br /> <br /> ~ounty Attorney <br /> <br />(~N m~ ~.~E OF N~.) <br />The is~'~uance of .the within note has beenapproved under the provisons of the Le~ 1 <br />Govern~ent ~ct of North Carolina. <br /> W. <br /> E. <br /> FASTERLING, <br /> ~ ' . <br /> Secretary, Local Government ommmsszon <br /> By <br /> Designated Assistant <br /> <br /> ~Section h. That the Local Government Commission be requested to exchange <br /> through the ~tate Treasurer, the $7~,000 School Duilding Bond Anticipatii n <br /> C <br /> Note of the County of abarrus dated April l~ 19~8, and authorized, by ti .is <br /> reae~%ution, for the $75,O00 School Building Bond Anticipation Note dated <br /> April l, 19h7 and maturing on April l, 19~8. <br /> <br /> Section ~. That the action of the County ~ccountant in appl~zing to .~he <br /> Local Government Commission for its' approval of the School Duilding Bond <br /> Anticipation Note herein authorized, and for the' exchange thereof for th, <br /> note dated April l, 19~'7 and maturing on April l, 19~8, with the c6ns~nt <br /> of the holder os sud~ note, be and the samm is hereby ratified. <br /> <br /> Commissioner W. M. Norrison. moved the passage of the foregoing resoluti, n <br /> entitled "Resolution providing f.r the issuance of a $7~,000 School Buil. !ing <br /> Bond anticipation Note" and Commissioner H. L. Fink seconded the motion <br /> and the resolution was passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes; Commissioners J. Lee White, W. M. ~orrison and H. L. Fink <br /> Noes: None ** ** . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> <br /> I, John R. Boger, Register of Deeds and ~ex officio Clerk of the Board of <br /> bommissioners for the County of Cabarrus, North Caroliha, DO HEREBY CERT <br /> that' the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the proceedings of the <br /> Board of Commissioners of said County at a regular meeting held March l, <br /> 19h8 as relates in any way to the authorization of a $75,000 School Buil~ ling <br /> ~ond Anticipation Note of said CountF, and that said proceedings are re <br /> corded in }iinute Book No. 12 of the minutes of said Board, beginning at <br /> page 39h and ending at page 39__~_~ · <br /> <br /> WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of said County this 1st day of <br /> Narch, 19~8. <br /> <br /> John R. <br /> Register of Deeds and wx of fi <br /> Clerk, Board of Commissioners <br /> <br /> Being no further business the Board adjoS~ned to meet at a call meeting <br /> ~arch ~, 19~8, at ~'~00 P. N. <br /> <br /> <br />