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314 <br /> <br /> This statement is given by order of the Boardof Commissionrs for the County of Cabarrus, thi~ <br /> 12th day of September, 1955. <br /> <br /> J. L~e White, <br /> Chairman <br /> p.E. Stallings <br /> M.S. LYles <br /> W.F. McCray <br /> Commissioners <br /> <br /> Section 2. That when the foregoing statement shall have been signed by a majority of the mehbers <br /> of this Board and delivered to the Clerk, the latter shall record it in the minutes of the Board, <br /> and such statement shall be filed in the office of said clerk and published by said Clerk once <br /> in the Concord Tribune, a new~aaper ~ublished in Cabarrus County. A notice substantially in the <br /> following form, with the printed signature of the Clerk appended thereto, shall be phblished <br /> ~th the foregoing statement: <br /> <br /> TO THE CITIZEI~ AND TAXPAYEP~ OF CaBAREGS COUNTY: <br /> <br /> No right of action or defense founded upon the invalidity, of the election mentioned in the <br /> foregoing statement shall be asserted, nor shall~the validity of sach election be open to questiol <br /> in any court upon any ground whatever, except in an action or proceeding commenced within thirty <br /> days after the publication of the foregoing statement. <br /> <br /> John R.boger <br /> Clerk Board of Commissioners for the County of <br /> Cabax~s , North Carolina. <br /> <br /> Upon motion of Commissioner P.Ernest Stallings, seconded by Commissioner W.Frank McCray, the <br /> <br /> foregoing rreholution entitled: "RESOLUTION ADC~TING A STATEMENT OF THE P~ OF THE SPECIAL <br /> BOND ET~.CTION HELD SEPTEMBER 10, 1955, and PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDII~G, FI~ AND PUBLICATION <br /> TRUe, EOF" was passed by the following vote: · <br /> <br /> Ayes: Commissioners Chairman J. Lee White, and Commissioners M.Smoot L¥1es, p. Ernest Stalling <br /> and W.Frank McCray. <br /> Noes: None. <br /> <br /> I, JohnR.Boger,Register of Deeds and ex officio Clerk of the Board of Commissioners for the <br /> County of Cabarrus, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the proceedings of said. Board at a <br /> meeting held Spptember 12, 1955, have heretofore been fully recorded by me in the official recor ds <br /> of said Beard in Volume 13, of the minutes of said Board, beginning at page 310 and ending at <br /> page 314 and that the foregoing matter he been literally copied from said recorded minutes and <br /> is the whole of that portion of said minutes which relates in any way to~e special election <br /> held on September 10, 1955. <br /> <br /> I,Further Certify that the statement of the result of the election adopted by the resolution <br /> set forth in the foregoing transcript hhas been recorded by me and the original h~s been filed <br /> in my office. <br /> <br /> Witness my hand and the corporate seal of said County this 13 day of September, 1955. <br /> <br /> JohnR. Boger, <br /> Registerof Deeds and ex officio <br /> Clerk of Board of commissioners <br /> <br /> -There-being ~o-further business; %he board-ad~orned to-meet-at their regular-meet~nE on-- <br /> - -Nev~m~e~ 7, -1~5~, <br /> Nor th Car olina, Cabaz ~ us County <br /> To the Sheriff or Tax Collector of Cabarrus County. <br /> You arehereby authorized, empowered and commanded ~o collect t. he~taxes set forth ~n the tax books <br /> filed in ~he office of TaxEollec~or, andin the tax recei~.tS.~ he~e*i~h.~el~¥ez:ed'to, the <br /> amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein se~ forth "~"'A'~.~' <br /> ~oyom,-im the-amounts-amd-from-the- declared to be a fizs~ lien 'on~,all re, al-pr~pe'~2y ofthe <br /> respective taxpayers in Cabarrus County o~ City of Concord or.Town"'and thms 0~d~r shall be a full <br /> and sufficient autho~ ty to direct, require a~.d..enable, you ~olev. y on and sell any real ornersonal <br /> property of such taxpayers, for and on accoun~ ~nereo~ mn accorcance with law. Witness my'hand an( <br /> official ~eal this the 3 day of October, 1955. <br /> J Lee ~hite, (Seal) <br /> ATTEST: JohnR.Boger,Clerk to Board." Chairman,Bosmd of Commmssione~s. <br /> There being no fulther business, the board adjorned to meet~ meeting on Nov 7 1955. <br /> <br /> <br />