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4051 <br /> <br /> Section 107 Ai~fUSEMENTS CARNIVAL COMPANIES, ETC <br /> city Limits or Within a radius of 5 miles of any city 150.00 <br /> Riding devices whicharenot a part of/nor used in <br /> connection with a carnival Company Each device 5.00 <br />~ Se ct ion 1093f BONDS!i~N. <br />! Kannapolis or Concord 40.00 <br /> <br />I Section LLL Real Estate Auction Sales One Sale 12.50 <br /> Two or more sales 25.OO <br /> Sectiin 115 DEALERS IN HORSES A~ MULES 12.50 <br /> Section 116 PtLR2}[OLOGISTS 200.00 <br /> Section 118 ~awn Brokers 300.00 <br /> Section 121 Peddlers On foot !0.00 <br /> P~ddler with Ho~se or oth~r Animal with or without vehicle 15.00 <br /> Peddler with Motor Vehicle 25.00 <br /> Dealers in Flavors 12.50 <br /> <br /> Section 124 G~psiea and Fortune Tellers 200.00 <br /> Section 129 Billiard and Pool Tables (outside City Limits <br /> Tables 2 ft wide and 4 ft long 5.00 <br /> Tables 2~- ft. wide and 5 ft long 10.00 <br /> Table.a 3 ft. wide an 6 ft long 15.O0 <br /> Table's 3~ <br /> a ft. wide and 8 ft. long 20.00 <br /> Tables more than 3~- ft. wide and 8 ft long 25.00 <br /> Section 129~ Bowling Alleys (outside City Limits) Eac'h Alley 10.00 <br /> Section 130 Music Machines - Each Machine 5.00 <br /> SectiOn i30~ Weighing Machines, Each Machine !.25 <br /> l'his applies to all Penny Machinesin Stores or on Street <br /> Section 13l Merry-Go-Rounds or ~ther Riding Devices, Skating ~inks, <br /> Minat,~e ~ot~, Etc 25.00 <br /> Sectionlg5 Dealers in~'~P~stols 50.00 <br /> Section 150 Laundries Supplying or renting Clean lines or <br /> Towels from outside County 12.50 <br /> Section t~£ Motor Advertisers (Advertising over Loudi ~eaker from Auto) 25.00 <br /> Section 152 Loan Agencies or Brokers 100.00 <br /> Section 153 Garage, Service Stations, Auto Accessories (inside Kannapo!is) 10.OO <br /> Garage, Service Stations, Auto Accessories ~inside Concord 7.50 <br /> Ga~age~ServiceStations, Auto Acco sories (outsi~e) 2.5'0 <br /> ~ Gasoline Pumps (outside) Each 1.2~ <br /> '- Section 153-2 Automotive Equipment & Supply Dealers at Wholesale 37.~0 <br /> Wholesale Dealers (~olesale Outside) lO.O0 <br /> Section 153-3 Motor Vehicle Dealers (inside Kannapolis) i~3.75 <br /> Motor Vehicles Dealers (i~.side ConcordO 35.00 <br /> Motor Vehicle Dealers (outside) 20.00 <br /> Section 153]- Motorcycle Dealers lO.O0 <br /> Section 1 56 Trading Stamps 200.00 <br /> Section 163 Patent Right and Formulas lO.O0 <br /> Section 168 ~N~n~ Junk Dealers (Kannapolis) 50.00 <br /> Junk Dealers (Concord) 37.50 <br /> <br /> Motion by p.E~nest Stallings seconded by M Smoot Lyles that craven L YoW be given free Peddlers <br /> license on account of being a disable World War II Vet. <br /> <br /> Motion by M Smoot Lyles seconded by P.Ernest Stallings that W.Guy Isenhour be appointed a member <br /> County Welfare Board. <br /> <br /> Motion by P.Ernest Stallings seconded by M Smoot L les that Frank McCray be made Purchasing agent <br /> <br /> for Gabarrus County. <br /> Motion by M.$. Lyles and seconded by P.Eznest STallings that J~z~s rate of pay be increased <br /> to $8.00 pe~ day. <br /> <br /> Thexe being no ifuxthe~ business the boaxd adjoxned to meet on July 15, 1957. <br /> <br /> <br />