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474 <br /> <br /> (c) Bonded debt to be inctmxed undez oxdezs <br /> eithez passed cz intzoduced: <br /> School Building Bonds .................................... $ 125,000 <br /> <br /> (d) The sum of (B) and (c) $ h,811, O00 O0 <br /> · e ®..e®eoo®eeee®ee®oo®ee eeo o®e®eeee®em®e eeo®eeoc · <br /> <br /> (e) School sinking funds, being money oziaeestments <br /> th. Ioof pledged and held fox the payment of <br /> pIincipal of outstanding school debt ................... llO0,O00.O0 <br /> <br /> (f) School, czedits, being pIincipal sums. owing to <br /> the County fIom a~ool diatIicls which axe <br /> pledged to and ~ben collected will be used in <br /> · merit Of school debt' $ <br /> the letil outstanding ............................. <br /> <br /> (g) Amount of unissued funding and ~efunding school <br /> bonds included in gloss debt ........................... $ ............... <br /> <br /> (h) The sum of items (e), (f) and (g), ........................................ $ 100,000.00 <br /> <br /> (i) Net school debt, being the sum <br /> Which item ('d) exceeds item (h) $h,711,000 O0 <br /> <br /> (J~ The pelcentage that the net school debt beaxs to <br /> said as.eased valuation .................................................. 4,0?% <br /> <br /> J H. Halwald, <br /> County AccOuntant <br /> <br /> State of Nc~th <br /> County of CabaIlus SS <br /> <br /> SubscIibed and swotn to ~efole me this 2nd day of ~eptembez, 1958. · <br /> CaZolyn M, <br /> Assistant CleIk S upezioI Couzt <br /> <br /> I, Johna.Bogez, aegi~tez a~ ~d and ex officio Clezk ~f the Boazd of Co~iasio~a fox t~ <br /> ~ty of Cab~, do hereby ~ztify that the fozego~ ~ a tzue c~y ~ a atate~nt f~ed ~ · <br /> ~ S~t~ez 2, 1~58, ~zez t~ ~z~ctim of ~ ozdez ~hoziz~g $125,~ School ~~ BOnds <br /> ~d that said is ~en to p~lic ~spection ~ my office. <br /> <br /> Witness ~ h~ ~d the cozpozate seal of sa~ ~ty, this 2 day of ~pte~ez, 1 958. <br /> <br /> John. ~gez, (Seal) <br /> ~egistez of Deed ~d ex officio <br /> .Clezk of B~zd of %~ty ~saio~zs <br /> <br /> The ~oaId of ComissioneIs fox the County of ~abalzua, Nolth Cazolina, met in zegulal seasic <br /> at the County Couzthouse in Ooncozd, the zegulaI place of ~ettng, at IOO,cloOk A. N.~sday, <br /> ~eptembe! a, 1958, Monday,$eptembez 1,1958 having beene legal holiday. <br /> <br /> Pzesent: Chaizman ~.Fzank NcCzay, and Commissioners ~.Guy Asenhouz; N ~oet ~lea~ <br /> <br /> L Rowman Bazziez an~ P_.E~neat StalltnE~ . <br /> <br /> Absent: -.None. <br /> <br /> CommissioneI M.$moot Lyles intIoduced the following zesolvtion which ~as lead= <br /> <br /> ~ESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE APPOINT~T OF <br /> T~E ~E~S OF ~E SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF THE PARKWOOD <br /> SANITARY DISTRICT <br /> <br /> BE IT ~ESOL~ED by the Boazd of Commissionezs fox the County of Cabazrus: <br /> <br /> Section 1. That all actions and proceedings had and taken in the appointment of the <br /> <br /> pi.sent membels of the ~a~itazy Distzict Boazd of Pazk~ood SanitaIy DistIict to membelship on <br /> said boazd az. hezeby in a 11 Ies~pects legal'izod, ratified, appzoved, validated and confixmed, and <br /> said members shall have all the pow. Is and.ay pezfozm all the duties lequiled cz pezmitted of them <br /> to be pelfoImed puzsuant to the pi.visions of Alticle 12 of Chaptex 130 of the General Statutes <br /> <br /> <br />