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473 <br /> <br />public inspection. <br /> <br /> 5. That this ozdez shall take effect thixty days afte~ the f i~st publication thexeof <br /> <br />aftex final~passage,unless in the meantime a petition fo~ its submission to the voters is filed <br />undex said Act, and that in such event ~t shall' take effect when appxoved by the voters of the <br />~otu~y at an election asp~ovided in said Act. <br /> <br /> The Board thexeupon designated the ~ounty Accountant as the officex to make a~ d file <br /> <br />with the Cle~kthe statement of debt and assessed valuation of the County as xequi~ed by the <br />County Finance Act, as amended, to be filed befoxe the final passage of the ozde~ ~hich was <br />intxoduced at this meeting../ <br /> <br /> Thexeupon the Oounty Accountant filed wtth the Clexk, in the pxesence of the Boaxd, <br /> <br />the statement of debt and assessed valuation as so ~equi~ed. <br /> <br />The o~de~ authorizing $125,000 School Building Bonds was theeeupon passed on fixer ~eading. <br />On motion duly made and unanimously ca~xied the Boazd f~ed 10 o'clock A M. Septembex <br />22, 1958, as the houm ami date foz th public hea~ing upon the foregoing ozde~, and dixected the <br />clerk to publish said oxde~, t ogethex with the appended note as ~equi~ed by The County Finance <br />Act, as amended, in The Concoxd Txibune not late~ than the tenth day before aa~d date. <br /> <br /> I, John R.Bogex,Registez of Deeds and ex officio ~le~k of the Boaxd of Commissionexs fox <br />the Oounty of Caba~zus, No~th Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the fozegoing is a txue copy of so <br />mu~h of the pxoceedi~fs of the ~oa~d of Commissienexs for the County of Cabarrus at a meeting <br />held September 2,1958 as xelate to the authorization of bonds of said County, and that such <br />pxoceedings have been recorded in Volume 13 of ~he minutes of said Board, beginning at page <br />471 and ending at page h73. <br /> <br /> WITNESS my hand and the coxpoxate seal of said County, this 2 dayof September, 1958, <br /> <br /> John~. Boge r (Seal) <br /> ~egistex of Deeds and ex officio <br /> Clerk of Board of Commissioners <br /> <br /> CABANAS COUNTY <br /> <br /> STAT~2~2~f C~IqCF~ING $~OOL INDEBT~N~3S. <br /> <br /> I, ~ohn H Haxwaxd, County Accountant of Caba~rus County, Noxth CaXolina, do make and file <br /> the following s~atementofthe financial condition of said Connty, having been desigrAted by the <br /> Board of Commissioners fox that purpose. ~aid statement includes a statement of debt incurred <br /> and to be incumxed fox school puxposes undex oxdexs eithex intxoduced ox passed, whethex evidenced <br /> by bonds,notes ox otherwise, and whethe~ incurred by oxiginal c~ea~ion of the debt o~ by <br /> assumptionof debt, including debt incux~ed bythe County Boaxd of Education, and including debt <br /> to the State o~ any department thereof, but not including obligations incu~xed ~o meet appxop- <br /> xiations in anticipation of ~evenues ~e an amount not exceeding the amount of the last pxeceding <br /> tax levy. fo~ school pumposes: <br /> <br /> (a) The Assessed valuation of pxopexty <br /> as last fixed fo~ County~axation .............................. $115,700,0OO.00 <br /> <br /> (b) Outstanding school debt ................... $~,686,000.00 <br /> <br /> <br />