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478 <br /> <br /> of the petition set forth above for the creation of a sanitary distraict in Cabar~us County <br /> and does hereby determine that such sanitary district for the pumposes stated in' said petition <br /> should be created and established as a sanitary distraict pumsuant to article 12 of Chapter 130 <br /> of the General Statutes of No~th Carolina. <br /> <br /> Section 2. That the Jlerk cE theBoard of Commissioners is hereby directed to certify <br /> <br /> immediately a copy of this resolution to the Stats Health Director of the North ~arolina ~tate <br /> <br /> Board of Health." <br /> <br /> Oommis~.sionex P.Ernest Stallings moved the passage of the foregoing resolution entitled: <br /> <br /> "RESOLUTION APPROVING, RATIFYING AND C~IRMING A RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COMMIS&IONE~$ <br /> FOR THE COUNTY OF C~$ EN~TL~D: 'RESOLUTION CONC~ING C~EATION OF A SANITARY DISTRICT IN <br /> CABAR~US COUNTY,", <br /> <br /> And Commissioner ~.Guy Isenhour, seconded the motion, and the ~esolution was passed by the <br /> <br /> following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Commissioners M.$moet Lyles, P. Ernest ~allings and W. Guy Isenhouz <br /> <br /> Nos s: None. <br /> <br /> I, John R.Boger,Register of Deeds and ex officio Clerk of the Beard of Commissioners fox <br /> <br /> the County of Cabaxrus, North Carolina, Do Hereby Certify that the foregoing is a true copy of <br /> so much of the proceedings of the Boa~d of Commissioners for said ~ountyat a meeting held <br /> September 22, 1958, as relates in any way to the passage of the ~esolution hereinabove set forth, <br /> and that said p~oceedings axe recorded in Minute Book no. 13 of the minutes of said Board, bsginni~ <br /> at page 477 and endink at page 478. <br /> <br /> Witness my hand and the corporate seal of said County, this 22 day of September, ~58. <br /> <br /> JohnR. Boger, <br /> Register of Deeds and ex officio <br /> ,, Clerk of Board of Commissioners <br /> <br /> The Board of Commissioners for theCounty of Cabazrus, North Carolina,met in adjourned re~ula~ <br /> session at the ~ounty Gouxthouse zn oncord, the regular place of meeting, at 10 o'clock, A M. <br /> on~eptember 22,1958. <br /> <br /> Present:Chairman ., and Commissioners M. Smoot Lyles, <br /> <br /> W. Guy Isenhouz a~d P.Eznest $ial!ings <br /> <br /> ........... _A_hsent:Ch~ir~an,. ~.Fzank_._M_~Gx~ay__and_ ~. Bowman Barrier <br /> <br /> The Temporary Chairman announced that this was the date and hou~ fixed by the Board for <br /> the public hea~in~ upon the orde.r entitled: <br /> "ORDER.AUTHORIZING $125,000 SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS", <br /> And that the Board would immediately any and all citizens and taxpayers who might desire to <br /> protest :against the issuance of said bonds. <br /> No citizen or taxpayer of the County appeared, either in person or byattorney, to protest <br /> against tks issuance of any of .said bonds, and the clezk announced that no protest in writing, <br /> signed by any citizen or taxpayer, had been presented. <br />.. Thereupon, upon motion of Commissione~ ~.Guy IsenhouI, seconded by Commissione~ P.Ernest <br /> ~allings and carried, the o~der introduced and passed on first reading on September 2, 1958, <br /> <br /> <br />