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484 <br /> <br /> Section 5. That the pezsons whose names are set fozth in the foxegoing notice of election <br /> and new zegistxation axe hexeby appointed xegistxax and judges, zespectively, and said election <br /> shall be held at the polling place indicated in said notice. <br /> <br /> Section 6. That the fozm of the ballot to b e used at said election shall be substantially <br /> <br /> as follows: <br /> <br /> OFFICIAL BALLOT <br /> SPECIAL ELECTION <br /> <br /> ANNEXATION (F ADDITIONAL TERRITORY TO THE PARKWOOD SANITARY DISTRICT <br /> .. IN CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> Decembex 6, 1958 <br /> <br /> Instzuctions <br /> <br /> 1. To vote fo~ the annexation of the additional texxitozy make a cxoss (x) maxk in t he squaxe <br /> to. the left of the woxds <br /> "FOR ANNEXATIOhm <br /> <br /> 2. To vote against theannexation of the additional texxitoxy make a cxoss (x) maxk in the squaxE <br /> to the left of the woxds <br /> "AGAINST ANNEXATION". <br /> <br /> 3. If you teaz ox deface ox wxongly maxk this ballot, x etuzn it and get anothez. <br /> <br /> · SHA~L THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TERRITORY BE ANNEXED TO THE <br /> PARKWOOD SANITARY DISTRICT IN CABARRUS COUNTY? <br /> <br /> BEGINNING at a point in the centex of the Concoxd-Kannapolis Highway, said point being <br /> 150 feet noxth cf the noxthexn boundary of Winecoff School Road, a~d xunning thence in two <br /> couzses 150 feet fxom and paxallel with the noxthexn boundaxy of Winecoff School Road, South 69 <br /> degxees West 900 fe~t, South 55 degrees West ll70 feet moxe ox less to a point 150 feet noxth <br /> of the nozthexn boundaxy of Winecoff School Hoed and 150 feet west of the westezn~oundary of <br /> Linkex Street extended; thence a line in two courses 150 feet fxom and paxallel with the westexn <br /> boundaxy of Linkez Stxeet,South 21 1/2 degxees East 550 feet, South 29 degzees East 625bfeet ~'~ <br /> moze ox less; thence a line 150 feet fzom and paxallel with the southern boundazy of Stmwaxt <br /> Stxeet NoXth 72 1/2 degxees East 860 feet to a point 150 fe~t fxom~he westexn boundaxy of <br /> School Stzeet extended; thence a line 150 feet fxom and paxallel to the westexn boundaxy of <br /> SchoolStxeet extended South 20 degzees East 390 feet; thence Nfi~h 33 1/2 degxees East 550 feet <br /> moxe ox less;' thence a line 250 feet fxom and parallel to the Westexn boundazy of the'Concoxd- <br /> Kannapolis Highway Noxth 15 1/2 degxees West 650 feet; thence Noxth 85 1/2 degxees East 265 <br /> feet to a point in the centex of the Concord Kannapolis Highway; thence with the centex of said <br /> Highway Noxth 14 1/2 degzees West 900 feet moxeox less to t he point of Beginning. <br /> <br /> · · FOR ANNEXATION <br /> <br /> · · AGAINST ANNEXATION <br /> <br /> JohnR .Boge~ <br /> Facsimile of signatuxe of <br /> Clexk of Boaxd of Commissionexs <br /> <br /> Upon motionof Commissione~ L BowmanBax~iez, seconded by ~ommissionez M ~moot ~yles, the <br /> foxegoing zesolution entitled "RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL TERR~ITORY TO <br /> THE _PARKW_O~_D _SA_N~?R_~_ ~I~_~ICT~_I~___C~__.B~__R_US_. OOU_N_.T~'~ ._ .TH~ ._CA~I_NG_ _OF A SPECIAL. F_J~CTION i ND THE <br /> HOLDING OF A NEW REGISTRATION WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH ADDITIONAL TERRITORY' was passed <br /> by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: w. Fxank McCxay, L Bowman Bazxiex, M.Smoot ~,yles, P:. "xnest Stallings. <br /> <br /> Noes: None . <br /> <br /> I, John~.Boge~, Registex of Deeds and ex officio Clexk of the Boaxd of Commissionexs fox <br /> the County of ~ahaxxus, moxth Cazolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a txue copy <br /> of so much of the pzoceedings of the ~oa~d of Commissionexs fox the County of Cabaxxus at a <br /> meeting held Octobex 1~,1958 as ~elates to the passage of thezesolution hexeinabove set foxth, <br /> that such pzoceedings have been x ecorded in Volume 13 of the minutes of said Boazd, beginning <br /> at page 481 and ending at page 484. <br /> ~Witness my hand and the coxpozate seal of s aid County, this 1~ day of Octobez, i958. <br /> <br /> JohnH.Boge~, <br /> Registex of Deeds and ex officio Clerkof <br /> Boazd of ~ ommissionezs <br /> The~e being no fuxthe! business, bhe Boaxd adjoined to meet on ~ovembe~ 3, 1958. <br /> _,Clerk to Boaxd <br /> <br /> <br />