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membexs of the Sanitaxy Distxict Boaxd of South Concoxd Sanitaxy District in Cabsmxus bounty <br /> Noxth Caxolina, wLth all the powers confex~ed upon such Bo~d by ~apte~ 130, Axticle 12, <br /> <br /> Ge~al ~atutes of No~th ~ol~a, ~ the~ suCcessors a~e d~y elected and ~alified. <br /> <br /> Co~sione~ W.G~ Isenho~ moved the passage of the f ozego~g zesolution entitled: <br /> <br /> "R~OLU~ ~C~NING A ~OLU~ON OF T~ ~NO~H ~L~ S~TE B~D OF ~LTH ~TI~ THE <br /> <br /> ~U~ ~RD ~I~BY DIS~ICT ~ ~RUS ~, NORTH ~OLI~, ~D APPOINTING A ~I~Y <br /> <br /> D~ICT ~A~D F~ ~ D~ICT", and Co~onez P. Ernest S~allings seconded the motion, <br /> <br /> ~d the zesolution was passed by the follow~g vote: <br /> <br /> ~es: Co~issionezs W.F~ank McCray, P.E~nest Stall~gs, M.~oot ~les, L, Bowman <br /> <br /> Baxziex ~d W.G~ Isenho~. <br /> <br /> Noes: N~e. <br /> <br /> I, John R.Bogex,Registex of Deeds and ex officio Clexk of the Board of Commissionexs fox <br /> <br /> the County of Cabaxxus, Noxth Caxolina, Do hexeby Cextify that the foxegoing is a txue copy of <br /> <br /> so much of the pxoceedings of the Boaxd of Commissioners fox said County at a meeting held <br /> Febxuaxy 2, 1959, as xelates in any way to the passage of the x esolution hexeinabove set forth, <br /> <br /> m~d that said proceedings axe xecoxdedin Minute book no. 13 p~s%he~minnteS~of said Boaxd, <br /> <br /> beginning at page 501 and ending at page 502. <br /> <br /> Witness my hand and the coxpozate seal of said County, this 2 day of Febxuary, 1959. <br /> <br /> JohnR. Bo gex, <br /> Registex of Deeds an ex officio Clexk <br /> of Boaxd of Commissionexs <br /> <br /> Mr. Lewis PaulShexxill xequest fox fxee peddlexs license was denied by the Commissionexs <br /> because Mx $hexxill was not a disable vetexan~ A lettex was written to Mx. ~hexxitl explaining <br /> to him why the xequest was denied. <br /> <br /> Motion by W.Guy Isenhoux , seconded by L.Bowman Baxxiex, that the County fuznish Cold Watex <br /> Fize Depaxtment with two-way Radio ox the same as fuznished the othex Fixe Depaxtments in the <br /> ~ounty. <br /> <br /> Motion by ~.Guy Isenhoux ~, seconded by L.Bowman Baxxie~ that the following ~oad petitions <br /> <br /> be approved and sent to the State Highway and Public Woxks Corem, in Albemarle, N.~.: <br /> <br />........... ~Ng. ~_Townsh_ip - Fin_k Drive ,~ _Wa~_t~_ the. ~a_~_eto <br /> <br /> No. 10 lownship - Road xuns fzom Hwy 27 to dead end, $. R.Ritchies. - Pull and Gzavel <br /> <br /> No. h Township - Johndy Stxeet- Tax and gxavel <br /> <br /> No. 11 Township - Road xuns fxom Hwy 29 to Vance Cline aoad known as Heglax Rd. - Tax &gxav~l <br /> <br /> No. 3 Township - Chestex Road - Widen and pave. <br /> <br /> ~otion by P.Ernest Stallings seconded hy M.~moot ~yles that the following be appointed <br /> Sanitaxy Commissionexs fox the South C oncoxd Sanitaxy Dist~ct: Fxed R.Troutman, Chaizman, <br /> M~s Richmond E.Cook , Sec., Guy Moose, S. O.Sides and Roland Fume. <br /> <br /> <br />