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501 <br /> <br /> Commissioner M. Smoot Lyles introduced the following resolution which was read: <br /> <br /> = RESOLUTION CONCERNING A RESOLUTION OF THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD <br /> OF HEALTH CREATING THE SOUTH CONCORD SANITARY DISTRICT IN CARARRUS <br /> CounTY, NORTH CAROLINA, AND APPOINTING A SANITARY DISTRIE~iBOARD FOR <br /> SAID DISTRICT. <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Cebarrus: <br /> <br /> Section 1. That the Board of Commissioners has determined and does hereby find and declare <br /> <br /> (A) That there has been received from the North Carolina ~tate Bosmd of Health a <br />resolution passed on DeCember 18, 1958, creating the South Concord Sanitary District in Cabazrus <br />County, North Carolina, which resolution is as follows: <br /> <br />"BE ~IT~RESOLVED: That the North Carolina State Board of Health, upon giving due <br />consideration to the proposal to create the South Concord Sanitary Dist itt, Cabazrus County, <br />North Carolina, ands the following fac ts in relation thereto, to wit: <br /> <br /> (A) That the petition, containing the names of over fifty-one percent (51%) of the <br />freeholders, for the creation of said Sanitary district as prescribed by law, was filed with the <br />Board of Commissioners of ~abar~us County, North Carolina, and duly approved by said Board and <br />subsequently transmitted to theState$oard of Health with a request that t~s State Health Director <br />and Secretary to the No~th Carolina '~$ta Board of Health designate a representative of the State <br />Board of Health to hold a joint public hearing with the Board of Commissioners of Cabarrus bounty <br />concerning the creation of the proposed South Concord Sanitazy~strict the date and place of said <br />meeting being ~greed upon by the State Health Director and Chairman of the Board of Commissioners <br />of CabaXrus County , notice of the joint public hearing to be held by a representative of the Noxt <br />Carolina State Board of Health stating time and place of sam hea~ing by publication of the <br />notice thereof in the 'Concord Tribune, Inc. ', a newspaper published inConcord, North Carolina <br />a~d having general circulation within the territory to be included in the proposed distri~.t~. <br /> <br /> (B) That a public hearing was held upon the question of creating said sanitary distri~tt <br />through a representative of the No~th Carolina State Board of Health, to wit: Mr Marshall Staten <br />District Engineer, ~anitary Engineering Division, State Board of Health, who was duly designated <br />to hold said hearing , the same having been held in accordance with the publication of said <br />notice on T?sday, the 26th day of August, 1958, at 4:00 P. M., the Southside Baptist Church <br />Recreation °uilding,~bich is located within the boundaries of the p~oposed sanitary district. <br /> <br /> (C) That at said hoaxing no opposition was encountered. Therefore, ~he documents and <br />other date being in o~der, it is ~equested that the sanitary distri~tt be created. <br /> <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that in the opinion of the State Board of Health <br />of the State of North Carolina, the territory described in said petition should be c~eated as a <br />sanitary distriCtS, and it is for the best interest of the residents and inhabitants of the <br />said district fo~ the pumpose of preseving and pzom~ting the public health that the said sanitary <br />district be created, andthat same be and is hereby created and established as sanitary d~istrict, <br />all in accordance with and pumsuant to p~ovisions of Chapter 130, A~ticle 12, General Statutes <br />of No~th Carolina, 1957. <br /> <br /> The said district as described in the said petition and resolution hereto fore passed is <br />hereby described and set out as follows, to wit: <br /> <br /> BEGINNING AT a point in ~he western boundary of the Main Line of the Southern Railroad <br />opposite the cente~line of Short Street adjoining the south side of the Franklin Mill property <br />i~ South Concord, thence following said centerline of Short Street North 83 degrees West 1500 <br />feet; thence No~th 68 degrees 30 minutes West 620 feet moreor less to a poi nt halfway between <br />Jackson Street and the Old Charlotte Highway; thence halfway between said streets, South 47 <br />degrees West, 475 feet to the center ofsaid streets, South 47 degrees West 475 feet to the centex <br />of ~ockwell Road; thence South 55 degrees East 250 feet mo~e ox less to a point 100 feet east of <br />Jackson Street; thence parallel to Jackson StreSt in two courses South 38 degrees West, 560 feet <br />and South 5 degrees West 840 feet more oz less to the centex of Sunset Creek; ~snce following <br />said ~unset Creek downstream, following the various coumses and meadnerings thereof, and <br />continuing to the western boundary of the Oouthern Railroad; thence following said western boundar <br />of the railroad tothe point of beginning. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all said territory be and is hereby created and established <br />as a sanitary district to be identified by the name of South Concord SanitaryDistrict,Cabazrus <br />County, North Carolina. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary to the State Board of Health of North Carolina, <br />cause a certified copy of these resolutions to be sent tothe Board of Commissioners of Caba~rus <br />Oounty,Nozth Carolina, to the end that said Board of Commissioners of Caba~zus Oounty may proceed <br />fu~the~ with the completion of the creation, formation, a ndozganization of said sanitsmy district, <br />all as provided by law." <br /> <br /> (b) That it has become the duty of this Board to appoint a Sanitary DistXi~ttBoazd of <br />fTve.~ members, residents within the District, which shall thereafter be the governing body of <br />said District. <br /> <br /> Section 2. Fred R. Troutman,___Mrs RichmoRd E.Cook, Guy Moose, S. O. Sides _, and <br /> Roland Furr <br /> ., who are residents within said District, are hereby appointed <br /> <br /> <br />