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Stzeet extended; thence a line in two courses 150 feet fzom and parallel with the Western <br />boundaxy of Linke~ Street, South 21 1/2 degzees East 550 feet, South 29 degzees East 625 feet <br />mo~eo~ less; thence a line 150 feet fxom and parallel with the southexn boundaxy ~ Stewart <br />~txee~ Noxth 72 1/2 degzees East 8~O feet to a point 150 feet fxom the westezn boundazy of School <br />Stxeet extended; thence a line in two courses 150 feet fzom and paxallel with the western boundaxy <br />of School Street and said boundaxy extended, South 20 degzees East 760 feet, South 9 degzees <br />East 536 feet tothe centexline of Oak Ridge D~ive (also called Paxkwood Street); thence ~outh <br />6 1/4 degzees West 1300 feet moxe ox less to a point in the cente~line of Pless Stzeet 150 feet <br />fzom the west boundary of Hchool Street; thence parallel to School Stxeet ar~ 150 feet fxom it <br />South 28 3/4 degrees West 816 feet to Tally's southexn boundaxy; thence following said boundaxy <br />and cxossing School Stxeet South 85 degzees East 385 feet to a point 150 feet east of its eastexn <br />boundazy; thence pazallel to it Noxth 28 3/4 degxees East 1200 feet; thence South 83 degrees <br />East 1200 feet; thence Noxth 82 degrees East 510 feet moze ox less to a point in the eastexn line <br />of the Southern Railzoad zight of way the noxthwestcoznex of the Dx. W. L.Ezzell home lot; thence <br />following the common line of the D~. W. L.Ezzell home lot and that of Dz. J.~.Ezzell, Noxth 54 1/2 <br />degzeesEast 450 feet to the westexn line of Cannon Boulevazd; the ncc following said westexn line <br />South 35 1/2 degzees East 235 feet to the southezn line of Countzy Club Hoad; thence following <br />the south line of this ~oad in three courses No~th 29 1/2 degrees East 750 feet Noxth 24 degzees <br />East 500 fe et and Nozth 26 degrees East 615 feet to the cente~ of Thzee Mile Bzanch; thence <br />~ollowing Thxee Mile B~anch as it winds in a Noxthwestexly direction about ll50 feet to the nozthe~ n <br />coznez of "The Pines" subdivision; thence following the lines of this subdivision in a westezly <br />dizection along a small b~anchabout 1350 feet tot he eastexn boundazy of Cannon Boulevard; thence <br />South 86 1/2 degzees WesO about 500 feet rca point inthe easte~nboundazy of Centxal Avenue of the <br />line of Simmons nozthexn boundary; thence czossing Centzal Avenue, following Simmons no~the~n <br />boundazy and cxossingthe Southezn Railzoad zight of way South 57 degxees West 330 feet to its <br />westezn boundazy; thence following said western boundaxy of the Southezn Railxoad in a curve to <br />a~ point in said westexn boundazy 150 feet nozth of the nozthexn boundaxy of Stewart Street <br />extended; thence South 85 1/2 degxees Vest about 65 feet to a point in the centez of the Conco~d- <br />Kannapolis Highway; thence with the centex of said highwayNoxth lh 1/2 degxees West 900 feet moxe <br />ox less to the point of Beginning: <br /> <br />and <br /> WHE~EASa joint public hea~ing pumsuant to notice duly posted a~ published has been held by <br />the Board of Commissionezs fox the County of Caba~xus and a ~epxesentative of the Noxth Caz~lina <br />State Board of Health concexning the annexation of said tezxito~y; now, therefore, <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the Boaxd of Commissioners fo~ the County of Cabaxzus: <br /> <br /> ~ection 1. That the Board of Commissionexs deems it advisable to comply with the xequest <br />of the-petition hexeinabove mentioned fox the annexation of said texxitozy to said Pa~kwood San- <br />itazy Distxict and does hereby detexmine that the texxito~y descxibed in the thixd pxeamble above <br />and also descxibed in said petition be annexed to said Pa~kwood Sanitary Distxict fox the <br />purposes set fozth in said petition. <br /> <br /> Section 2. That the Clezk cg the Board of Co mmissionexs is hexebydizected to certify <br />immediately a copy of this zesolution tothe State Health Dizectoz of theEozth Carolina State <br />Board of Health and to the Sanitary District Board of Paxkwood Sanitaxy District." <br /> <br /> !~ommissiene~W.Gu~ Isenhou~ moved the passage of the foxegoing xesolution entitled: <br />"RESOLUTION APPROVING, RATIFYING AND CONFIrmING A RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE BOA~RD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR THE ..GOUNTY OF CABAR~US ENTITLED: 'RESOLUTION OONCERNING THE ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL TErRITOrY <br />TO THE PARKWOOD SANITARY DISTR IGT IN CABARRUS COUNTY'", and Commissione! L Bowman Ba~xiez <br />ss conded the motion, and the ~esolution was passed by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Commissionexs w.F~ank ~cCzay, ~A. Smoot Lyles, L Bowman B~iex, W .Guy Isenhou~ am&~ <br /> P.E~nest Stallings. <br /> Noes: None. <br /> <br /> I, John R.Bogex, Registe~ of Deeds and Ex officio Clexk of the Board of Commissioners fox <br />the County of Cabaxzus, Noxth Cazolina, do Hereby Certify that the foxegoing is a t~ue copy of <br />so much of the ~x oceedinas of the Board of Commissioners fox said County at a meeting held Feb~uax <br />2,1959, as ~elates in anyway to the passage of the z esolution he~einabove set forth, and t hat said <br />pzoceedings sxe~zec0~ded in Minute book no. 13 pf the minutes of said Boaxd, beginning at page d99 <br />and ending at page 500. <br />Witness my hand and the cozpozate seal of said County, this 2 day of Feb~uaxy, 1959. <br /> <br /> /s/ John~.Bogez, <br /> Registex of Deeds an~ ex officio <br /> Clerk of Boaxd of Commissionexs <br /> <br /> <br />