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629 <br /> <br /> The Cabarrus County Commissioners met on Nay 2h, 1961 at a called meeting with the <br /> ~ollowing members present: <br /> Chairman: W.Frank Mc (2ray , <br />; Ch~missioners: M.Smoot Lyles,W. Guy ~senhour, L. Bowman Barrier <br /> Absent: P. Ernest Stallings <br /> <br /> On motion by L.Bo~man Barrier, seconded by W.~uy Isenhour that a tenative Tax Rate for <br /> the Haysical year 1961 -1962 be set at $1.10 per $100.00. This vas voted onaxi carried. <br /> <br /> RESOLUTION <br /> <br /> Whereas, the County of Cabarrus, North Carolina, and the City of C~cord, North <br /> C Carolina, I~ave recently, acquire~ ce~tai-n~-~,~e~ee§i~a.~.~ he~ei, naf.%er described, for the purpose <br /> of conveying the same to the State off North Carolina for the use and benefit of the North <br /> Carolina Armory Commission, or its successors, eit. h~c_£oc.tlz~.u~e.o£_th~.~a~z.o£.liuct, h ..... <br /> Carolina or for the use of the United States of i~eriCa~,-? ' :::'d <br /> WHERF~ it is the opinion of this Board that it is in the public interest to convey <br /> said property to the State of North Carolina for such purpose; <br /> ~ EOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Co,missioners of Cabarrus County, <br /> North CaroLina: <br /> That the Board of Commissio~rs~ of Cabarrus Coonty North Caroliha, consisting cf <br /> W. Frank McCray, Chairman, P. Ernest Stallings, L.Bo%aman Barrter,W. Smoot Lyles, and W.Cnly <br /> Isenhour, order, approve, and ratify the transfer of 2he property listed, below to the Stateof <br /> NOrth Carolina; this being the property previously purchased jointly by the City of Concord and <br /> the County of Cabarrus for the use andt~nefit of the North Carolina Armory Commission; and that <br /> said transfer or deed be dated as of the 6th day of December,1960; said property being <br /> particularlyt, described as follows: <br /> <br /> FIRST TRACT: Lying and being in Ward No. 2 of the City of Concord on the South <br /> sideof Tarlton Street: <br /> <br /> Beginning at an iron stake onthe south side of Tarlton Street, corner of J.C. <br /> Lipe, and runs E. ~1 1/2 E. 3h2.8 feet to aniron stake on the south side of Tarlton Street, <br /> cornerofMiss Fannie Hill; thence with her line and the line of D. 6. Caldwell and Martha <br /> Caldwell S. 32 E. 229 feet to an iron s take, corner of Lot belonging to the estate of J.W. <br /> Carmon; thence with the lineof the estate of J.W.Cannon S. 52 W. 298.5 feet to an iron stake <br /> on the line of the lot belonging to the estate of J.W. cannon, corner of W.A. Brown; thence with' <br /> his line N. 38 W. 178.7 feet to an iron stake, W.A. Brown's Corner; thence $. ~1 1/2 W. 20.8 <br /> feet to an iron stake, corner of J.C. Lipe; thence with the line of J.C. Lipe N. 38 W. 50 <br /> feet to the Beginning. <br /> <br /> ~... 3 SEOOND TRACT: Lying and being in Ward 2 of the City of Concord, Cabarrus County <br /> North Carolina, on the South side of Tarlton Street, ad3oinng the lands of C.C. Lowrance .and <br />->,~ ~ others, and bounded as follows: <br /> <br /> Beginning at an iron stakeon the $outh e dgeof Tarlton Stre%~;, rear corner of C.C. <br /> Lowrance lot, said beginning corner being N. ~0 E. 100 feet fromthe southeast corner of the <br /> intersection of North Church Street and Tsrlton Street and runs thence withthe south edgeof <br /> Tarlton Street N. 50 E. 98 feet to antr0n s take inthe south edge of said street, said <br /> stake being S. l~0 1/2 E. 20 feet from the rear corner of the lot known as the J.C. Lipe lot; <br /> thence S. hO 1/2 E. ~O feet to an iron stake; thence kN. ~O E. 20.8 feet to an ironstake; <br /> thence S. hO 1/2 E. ~0 feet to an ironstake; thence S. 50 W, 118.8 feet tv an iron/take, rear <br /> corner of said C.C. Lo~Tance; thence with ~he line of said Lowrance N. hO 1/2 W. 1OO feet <br /> to the Beginning. <br /> <br /> I, John R. Boger, Secretary and Ex officio Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of <br /> <br /> <br />